Beware of the lone pirate... They may be more fearsome than you think!

  • This is a story of how a four man galleon crew regretted attacking a lone pirate on a sloop. That lone pirate is me...

    So there I was, docked at an outpost, selling me booty, when I saw a galleon fast approaching.

    Naturally, being a lone player and not wanting to engage in a fight I was surely going to lose, I greeted them by shouting over that I was friendly and that I didn't want to fight.

    I was met with the reply "eat lead" followed by several cannon balls crashing into the front of my sloop, which was anchored at the dock.

    I knew that I couldn't win this fight head on, so I ran on to the island and into the bushes. Slowly, I crept around the island and into the water on the far side. Then, I stealthily swam over to the galleon, making sure to swim as deep as possible until I reached their ladder.

    Holding on to the ladder, I checked my supplies. 1 banana, a sword and a pistol with 3 bullets. This wasn't looking good. As I was devising a plan I could hear the galleon crew talking.

    Guy 1: " Ha, that guy in the sloop didn't stand a chance"

    Guy 2: "I know, let's get our treasure and sell it on the island"

    I could see one guy standing with his back to my ladder so I knew this was my chance. I climbed on board and charged a heavy attack and stabbed the first guy in the back. I was met with an "oh s**t" and a gun shot from his mate. Wounded and out of bananas I decided to run below deck, I went to raid their banana stash but it was empty.

    Fearing the worst I hid on the lowest deck and aimed my pistol at the stairs. No one came down and I could hear them saying that they thought I'd fallen in the water!

    I slowly crept up a level and saw the guy reloading his ammo, so I shot him straight in the back. He went straight to Davey Jones. His friend hearing the gun shot came down to investigate, we fought for about 30 seconds, and we all missed our remaining shot but I managed to beat him in a sword fight. Seeing an opportunity I grabbed their captain's chest and jumped into the water, by this time the first guy had respawned and fired two shots into the water, both missing their mark. I ran over to the gold hoarder and sold the chest! Success, but this wasn't enough...

    I replenished my banana supply in the tavern and hid in a bush, then I saw two of them running around looking for me and a third one, carrying a skull... Seeing my target I ran out of the bush and started slashing, panicking, my victim dropped the skull, ran in a circle and then picked it up again, but it was too late, I slew him and then sold the skull for myself.

    The other two guys then ran towards me and I managed to lose them on the island. I swam back to their ship to see if they had any more loot, there were two marauders chests and a skull in the captain's cabin, so I grabbed a chest and jumped back into the water. As bullets whizzed past me I ran to the gold hoarder and sold a third piece of loot, kindly donated by them to replace my ship...

    Not wanting to risk anything more, and satisfied with my victory, I swam over to the mermaid, as they were taking shots at me from their ship I plugged my mic in and shouted over to them: "thanks for the treasure, that will teach you to pick on smaller crews". I was met with a stern "f you, come and fight us", to which I replied: "you lost a 4 vs 1, see ya and thanks again!". I then took the mermaid to my relocated ship.

    And that's my story of how a galleon crew thought they could bully a lone player who was docked at an outpost minding his own business, they paid the price in gold and took a hit to their egos at the same time!

    Hope you enjoyed this true tale and beware: don't underestimate lone players!

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  • Good job. I had a same experience but I attacked them back with canon fire hitting their ship with every hit. They missed me most of the time. I ended up sinking the galleon. 2 died from shark attacks. I killed the other 2. That is the thing about galleons. Each member usually cant shoot or fight they get you through numbers. If you take that away they panic.

  • @saltyseadog13 Yeah, my ship was facing them and was anchored so I couldn't fire back, they landed like 7 shots on me so I decided to make it personal and boarded them. It was so satisfying taking their loot and watching them panic. Teaches them to target solo players!

  • @il-milky-joe-li love this game for its Content creating mechs. Nice job Sea Dog!!!

  • Excellent story of redemption and vengeance. I'd have done the same thing and maybe even check that mast for some red death. Keep up the good work putting Galleons in their place!

  • Thanks my fellow pirates, always good when the underdog wins!

  • @ve111a ahhh blowing them up with their own keg would have been perfect! I didn't think of that at the time, I was stressed because of the situation haha

  • I always love a good story that starts out as "So there I was"
    xD nice bro

  • @tidepodclassic thanks man :)

  • @il-milky-joe-li without a doubt those players were quite bad, not every day the virjen appears ...

  • @il-milky-joe-li I love this story! Serves them right for attempting to gang up on you, matey!

  • I love hearing story’s like this cuz I run into a lot of jerks in this game and from time to time I just jump in and mess with ppl who are just plane rude mostly I act like a ghost haunting thief ship

  • Those players, who kill and sink smaller crews just for the lulz are the worst. I mean, just yesterday a galleon with PLs sailed casually by while I was on a small island looking for treasure (Yes, my fault for not leaving earlier), blew up my ship and then killed me despite me surrendering. They didn't even steal my chests.
    I have no problem being robbed as long they keep it civil, but just being murdered for no reason? Seriously?

    You, sir, are thus my hero for acting out karma's justice!

  • @eibedionysos29 Aye! Screw the galleon bullies!

  • @il-milky-joe-li said in Beware of the lone pirate... They may be more fearsome than you think!:

    @saltyseadog13 Yeah, my ship was facing them and was anchored so I couldn't fire back, they landed like 7 shots on me so I decided to make it personal and boarded them. It was so satisfying taking their loot and watching them panic. Teaches them to target solo players!

    Always raise anchor when you are docked when solo. If you saw them coming they are at the disadvantage on approach and you can rake their bow why they are trying to get in a position for a broadside. If you pepper them with 4 or 5 shots and then board them, you can kill them before they can even get a shot off. and maybe even beach the ship on them if you're fast enough.

    Good job though. As a usual solo slooper myself, I commend your valiant efforts. Winning against seemingly impossible odds is so satisfying in this game.

  • @il-milky-joe-li said: So there I was, docked at an outpost, selling me booty, when I saw a galleon fast approaching.

    Woah, woah, woah... I thought this was a family board...

  • A pirate after me own heart... As a primarily solo slooper myself, I love it when you catch a large aggressive crew of guard... 'Tis what's deserved when you try to sink a solo for the measly monies they be carrying... A lesson hard learned, taught by a skilled Corsair... Me hats off to ya, mate!!!

  • @guarez Hahaha, I get you

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