Why will pets cost real money?

  • @amancebacabras said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @ghostpaw dijo en Why will pets cost real money?:

    My experience will not be ruined by a player showing off a pet monkey.

    Unless the monkey throws at you his own p**p... XD

    LOL! That might enhance my experience!

  • @dunkachino1124 said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @combatxkitty then if you can just buy cosmetics it ruins the point of the whole game

    I already explained how pets would be more then just cosmetic. for your charcter. So buy cosmtic in the game still has a point.

  • @dunkachino1124 said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @combatxkitty then if you can just buy cosmetics it ruins the point of the whole game

    I think that's abit dramatic.

    Of course I would rather it be free aswell but as long SOT doesn't add items to buy that give a peg leg up on other players Im not ready to complain just yet.

  • @ghostpaw said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @dunkachino1124 said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @ghostpaw [link text](link url)the point of the game is EARNING cosmetics not just using your moms money to buy cosmetics

    Mom is much more likely to ask me for money at this point in our lives. It sounds like your reason for playing the game is to earn cosmetics, but that is not mine. My experience will not be ruined by a player showing off a pet monkey.

    Right? My mom just asked me for money the other day lol.

  • @princes-lettuce pet system microtans is a great idea and they need to introduce more microtrans for cosmetics. I will buy anything to help support future development of sot

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  • @clumsy-george I want Salty the Skeleton Parrot as a pet, that would be great.

  • @xxx1ra1xxx sagte in Why will pets cost real money?:

    This game already costs a lot and lacks of content. As much as I like this game I have to admit it. Getting features of the game apart for it to be paid wouldn’t be fair in my opinion, the only reason for me to support this would be if they use a big part of the money to finance a good amount of new content

    You are living in a dark deep Cave in the Wilderness, I’m sure...

  • @king-deka dijo en Why will pets cost real money?:

    @xxx1ra1xxx sagte in Why will pets cost real money?:

    This game already costs a lot and lacks of content. As much as I like this game I have to admit it. Getting features of the game apart for it to be paid wouldn’t be fair in my opinion, the only reason for me to support this would be if they use a big part of the money to finance a good amount of new content

    You are living in a dark deep Cave in the Wilderness, I’m sure...

    If you are gonna make jokes at least add them some arguments

  • It's not like pets will be interesting for more than five minutes, so who cares if they cost money or not?

  • @princes-lettuce I don't mind pets to cost money at all considering that all the update are free. They are keep working on the game and to be honest i don't know anyone on the earth that work for free. Charging for pets is probably the best way to have e future income.

    This as stated before a million times but is very simple, if you like the game and you want support Rare you can buy the pets, if you think that 70€ was already to mutch don't buy them. Very simple. Personally i have sinked so many hours into SoT that probably right now it costed me 0,40€/hour witch is very cheap for entertainment. I bought already some stuff from they're shop to support them (and because i like it) shame i missed the limited action figure 😭

  • Don't like pets? Don't buy them then.

    You'll still be able to play the game, people who actually want pets will fund further development of the game for you and you won't have to use those short arms to reach into those deep pockets, so what's not to like?

  • @xxx1ra1xxx sagte in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @king-deka dijo en Why will pets cost real money?:

    @xxx1ra1xxx sagte in Why will pets cost real money?:

    This game already costs a lot and lacks of content. As much as I like this game I have to admit it. Getting features of the game apart for it to be paid wouldn’t be fair in my opinion, the only reason for me to support this would be if they use a big part of the money to finance a good amount of new content

    You are living in a dark deep Cave in the Wilderness, I’m sure...

    If you are gonna make jokes at least add them some arguments

    They’re financing new content with the Pets, that’s the Plan!

  • Depends, you want pets for free? Will you promise to donate money to Rare? I won’t do this that’s why they’re making them buyable. This is a business first and foremost man.

  • I paid about $60 for a copy of the game. I have received MANY hours of fun over the last several months in return. Also, I can go back into the game as often as I want without paying a subscription fee. In contrast, I would have to spend over $120 for one day of access to the Magic Kingdom at Disneyworld. While I am in the park, Disney would not offer anything extra (food & drinks, souvenirs, storage locker) for free although I’d already paid to get in. You purchased a lifetime pass to the Sea of Thieves. That sea continues to grow for without any extra charges. If they want to offer a few items in game for additional income to pay the bills then I cannot see where the problem is.

  • @princes-lettuce said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    I feel a little cheated by Rare. When I bought the game, it was ridiculously overpriced. 70 bucks for a very empty game. They kept promising that future content would be free, and that in the long run the game would be worth your money. So okay, they release free DLC like the Cursed Sails. But now pets will cost actual money? That just sucks! I've paid 70 bucks for this game, that should be enough to include a little parrot shouldn't it?

    Guess the player base is shrinking too much to keep the game free.

    How is everyone else feeling about this?

    They never made that promise, back in February they said that all DLC would be free, but there would be microtransactions for items like pets.

  • Sounds like a big "eff you" from Rare.

  • This isn't skyrim. This is a game that needs continuous free support for the free dlc you get while playing on the free servers provided for you.

    Would you rather pay for each dlc ala WoW or battlefield or just have the option to pay for something cosmetic that is cheaper and doesn't give anyone a pay to win?

    Tough choice.

  • @princes-lettuce I feel that your name fits your personality.

  • @dunkachino1124 said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @ghostpaw i don’t have doubts

    And you are very likely wrong as you have no statistics or basis for that matter to back up that statement.

  • @shaggy2000 said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @princes-lettuce said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    I feel a little cheated by Rare. When I bought the game, it was ridiculously overpriced. 70 bucks for a very empty game. They kept promising that future content would be free, and that in the long run the game would be worth your money. So okay, they release free DLC like the Cursed Sails. But now pets will cost actual money? That just sucks! I've paid 70 bucks for this game, that should be enough to include a little parrot shouldn't it?

    Guess the player base is shrinking too much to keep the game free.

    How is everyone else feeling about this?

    They never made that promise, back in February they said that all DLC would be free, but there would be microtransactions for items like pets.

    There was also some mention of players being able to raise in game gold to purchase items from a store, such as pets, but as the whole thing is now on the back burner while game content is being added, I think we'll have to wait and see what they decide to do.

    When discussion around microtransactions first came up, it was during or shortly after the loot crate controversy started and I'm pretty sure Rare are very aware of the sentiments around that.

    Being able to use in game gold would be great for those who are time rich and using real money is good for those who are time poor, so no-one loses, least of all Rare.

  • @dabba87 world of Warcraft regularly comes out with free patches that are more substantial than this entire game.

  • @orgrum said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @dabba87 world of Warcraft regularly comes out with free patches that are more substantial than this entire game.

    Uncomparable dude lolol

  • @messiahxxxx tell that to the guy I was responding to.

  • @orgrum sagte in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @dabba87 world of Warcraft regularly comes out with free patches that are more substantial than this entire game.

    Wow you are joking? When Cataclysm came out I paid almost 750$ for WoW! And for SoT 60$ plus a little Pet for 5$ compared to this is a joke!

  • @princes-lettuce I think it's perfect. They need a way to keep funding the development for us, and unlike most companies that charge for content, and pay to win mechanisms, this is just a pet, which makes no difference to the game other than it's cool. Just like cosmetics. No reason at all to buy them unless you really want them, and if you don't, it doesn't affect the game. They have to fund the game somehow.

  • @orgrum said in Why will pets cost real money?:

    @dabba87 world of Warcraft regularly comes out with free patches that are more substantial than this entire game.

    Disregarding that each expansion (what... Like 7 now lol) was costing upwards of 40 - 60 each haha

    Include a sub fee

    A server tranfer fee

    A character change fee

    Also pets you can buy with real money...

    Noice comparison to paying one time, having all expansion content, and being charged a few bucks for a pet

  • @oakenosiris Really, literally hundreds of hours of gametime to finish all the content. Yes it's monotonous, but it's content. For 60 bucks(not on gamepass), i'd say you are just complaining to complain.

  • @orgrum dijo en Why will pets cost real money?:

    @dabba87 world of Warcraft regularly comes out with free patches that are more substantial than this entire game.

    But you pay for the game every month and, still, there is "content" (cosmetics) only available if you pay more such as mounts. And well, is not a pay-to-win cause its an entirely optional feature, but the pets you can buy in WoW are usually the strongest for the minigame of the pet battles and some of them gives you a big advantage in the "pvp" fights, while downgrading the difficulty of the pve hard battles to a walk for the park (at least at the start of Legion, dont know if the "meta" of that changed).

    If the pet service en SoT comes in just a similar way of the WoW's one (pets free for all and pets only for real money) could be the perfect formula for all, for example "you want a parrot but dont have money? ok, all yours, but if you want a macaw or a monkey, then you have to pay".

  • @Shaggy2000
    In my opinion, you've purchased the past year and a half of adventures and stories with friends. Now, it's come to the time that all game developers must face; "what is our long-term monetizing plan?" To answer that, they've come up with the Pirate Emporium. Besides, it's not just pets, it's some exclusive re-color cosmetics and whatever else they decide to make available on the Black Market, too.
    So, I guess what I'm getting at is, if you want the game to stay good for a long time, you can't expect Rare to make that happen without more money coming into the fray.
    Plus, who said they won't give you exactly enough currency for 1 pet? They're going to have many options, and you know you're going to want more. I think it'd be a clever marketing strategy while also not leaving anybody out from the new content, no matter their available income.

  • My concern is the charging of cosmetics.

    I don't believe rare when they just say it's going to be IP based ship cosmetics.

    When that niche wears thin, because it will, I bet they start charging for "premium" ship cosmetics and branch it out to weapons clothing & accessories.

    Rare is just currently easing people in to it very tactfully to avoid backlash

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