server balancing

  • Hello, the community of Sea Of Thieves, the message is addressed to Rare for balanced servers. Example:
    On a server, there is any kind of boat but when you are in a "SLOOP", and that we cross a "GALION" we are dead.

    If you solve the problem I would be grateful or you can do private servers.
    Thank you

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  • @corentin-1236 The sloop was designed to outrun larger ships with greater turning ability! While galleons have been designed for maximum firepower. The best way to outrun a galleon is to attempt to drop their anchor! That will buy you sufficient time to escape!

  • No balancing required, just practice on your part.

  • Diversity is the spice of life my friend.

    I love seeing Galleons sloops and now brigs on the same server. I rarely come across other galleons and most crews are really relaxed. Won't chase after sloops but will drop by to say hello.

    2 Person sloops are the most agressive people out there.

    Also Private servers? People asking this should seriously do some research. It's like asking for private WoW shards. It's impossible with the way this game is built. This isnt ARK or GTA5 where 99% of the game runs locally.

  • @corentin-1236 welcome to the game and to the forums.

    The servers doesn't need balance because of the diversity of ships.

    It's all a matter of crews, practice and experience.

    Keep the game, get better from your experiences, listen other's tips and eventually you'll get better and you'll see you can outrun any other ship.

    From my experience I can fear most a sloop than a galleon. A solo man crew can be more deadly than 4 galleons men

  • @corentin-1236 Consider sloop as hard mode for the game. It is nice to see different types of ships in the seas. Not just same thing over and over again.

    The problem can be solved with practice and time :) Use the rocks and islands to your advantage ;)

  • @corentin-1236 You've probably heard or seen other players take on galleons with sloops.

    Sloops have a really huge advantage to galleons. Now if you are solo than all I can say is learn how to run away properly. You can fight against a galleon solo, but unless the conditions are optimal than its probably a death sentence. If you are a 2 man crew than what I suggest is fighting it out. If you are having problems with defending yourself. I suggest finding someone you play with and get on a sloop and then go out into the world and hunt down galleons for experience.

    My teammate and I go out hunting for galleons in 2 man sloops ALL THE TIME. Its about experience and knowing what to do. Even with one chasing after us, we sink them and go about our day.

    Ask, read, learn, try. Gain experience. Instead of saying "this is impossible" reflect on what happen and what you could have done better. If other people are doing it just fine than the server is balanced and honestly just means you need to get better. Sorry but its true.

    Thank you for your time.

  • @corentin-1236 howdy!

    As others have said there is a large element of practice involved with the game.
    Whilst Rare intentionally kept progression horizontal and cosmetic based to keep the game as even a playing field as possible, there is a lot of experience out there for PVP.

    There are some really cool Sloop based guides put there:

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