Kill code "peaches"

  • The sea of thieves makes 3 ways in my opinion. The paranoid captains, the confident, and the pro's. Most people fall between one two or all three of these. One thing to remember for those who forgo talking telepathicly. Other crews can listen in to your plans. Here is part of the solution.
    Kill code "peaches" has saved our ship many a time recently. Have an ally on board but he's giving you funny glances? "Does any one want peaches" high alert. "Who wants peaches" any one else feeling sketchy? "Let's get some peaches" kill now. "Nah I'm not really craving peaches right now" hold off see what they do.
    It is a wonderful way to, not so subtly/extremely subtly discuss situations.
    If you hear another crew talking about peaches keep a weathered eye.

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  • @mynuku hahaha you are right, we should always have secret codes. “Peaches” or “Who wants peaches?” It’s funny haha
    Also it can be highly suspicious when a crew member of another ship alliance gets in to your ship to keep an eye on you. Hate those pirates, because if you kill the guard they turn the coin to their benefit, declaring you as the betrayer.

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