Alliance Flags

  • Heyy!

    Just a simple question really.. What exactly is the difference between the two new alliance flags? At first i thought the white one was just to show that you're interested in forming an alliance and not for actually making one, but I've noticed you can join an alliance with both of the flags. So what am i missing? :D

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  • @skritsarn Ahoy matey!

    The way it should work is...

    • The white flag with a heart is the "Start a NEW Alliance" flag.
    • The flag with the links on it is the "Happy to Join an alliance" flag.
    • The "Cross / Mutiny" flag is to remove your self from any existing alliance you are in.

    An alliance will be formed if you are wearing the heart flag and someone else is wearing the link flag.

  • Yep heart flag=form ally
    White flag with black symbol=join ally

    To lock your ally after you joined up, put up a flag of ur choice and No one else can join your group <<—- all ships need to put up a new flag

  • @musicmee Oooh thanks! So the black flag is only for joining an already existing alliance and will not form a new alliance?

  • @skritsarn Correct! If you are flying that flag you will join an alliance of any ship you are close to (if you're not in one already)

  • Thanks for this. Does anyone know if 2 ships flying the "Happy to Join an alliance" flag or "Start a NEW Alliance" flag will link up automatically (neither already in an alliance) or does one have to have the "Start" and the other the "Join" flag. I've been confused on what flag to fly or whether I need to change flags when near ships or what. I'd hope that 2 ships not already in an alliance and flying a join or start flag would automatically align but I always scramble up to the crow's nest to try and select flags and make it happen.

  • @eviltodd At least one crew needs to start by flying the heart flag, then any crew (including the original crew) having the link alliance flag can spread the alliance further.

    Only the mutiny flag will remove you from the alliance.

  • Do we have a page / site with a list of alliance names and pendants images?

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