An Unbelieveable Tale

  • YAR ME FELLOW PIRATES, I have a new tale to tell, one that seems to be streched, but honest to Gold it's true...

    I all started off when me and me shipmates started our voyage from the Ancient Isles to the Shores of Pleanty in searched for crews of the Damned.

    We ser sail to Shark Bait Cove to meet crew, and after a while of calm waters, a haunted ship Arose from the depths of the sea to do battle with us.

    We fired our cannons at them time and time again, the battle was long and brutal as nither ship sunk for what seemed days.

    We raised our flag looking for sailors to sail with us to glory, shortly after, we spotted a ship. A three man crewnsailed towards us in a ship that forced us into a state of awe. Three Legendary Pirates sailed towards us, ready for battle, sadly we didn't realize with who until it was too late.

    The Lagends sailed strait into us, quickly pulling away to bombard our vestle. Round after round splintered our ship, but we stood our ground. I'm not sure what took over us, either the l**t for gold or the stuborn pridefullness of being a pirate set in, and we fought back.

    I will say, without the aid of the Cursed Crews, we would have lost the battle.

    The Legendary ship sank, and we took the oppertunity to sail right back into battle. Now with two skelital ships, we stood no chance, and sank to the depths of the sea.

    After the Mer People guided us to safty, we set sail to try our luck again. With flags raised and sails lowered, we set off for adventure.

    We ran into another crew with a Legend or two, who agreed to aid us in our journy. We charded our course and came up with a plan, setting off to the horizon.

    Now, to whom be reading my tales, tbis is where most people claim to be false, but mark my words, I do not have the whim or way with quick words to make up a tale this grand.

    We reached the damned crew and fought hard once more. This time was drasticly different. Whilest we fought, I heard the sound I dread more than any other, the sound of the water splittimg, as if it was making way for something monsterous. Off the port side, I spotted it, the massive glowing blue fin, the plale underskin skin, and those horrible green eyes, haunting me with their gaze, it was the Megaladon.

    What could possibly be worse than this you ask? Right as we sank the skelital ship, two more rose to claim it's place.

    Then the winds shifted, turning harsh and devistating as the water began to rock our ships, a storm blew in on top of us, and we didn't notice until it was too late.

    The storm also brough a Gallion looking for a fight, and for riches.

    Thankfully the Gallion joined us, that could have been a disaster.

    We had a fleet, three ships now battling along side eachother. The battle continued for days, until... The Capitan arived...

    The Captain of the damned crew attacked us with no parlay, her cannons fired swift and deadly with regular cannons and cursed shots alike. She claimed the Gallion without hesitation, then she claimed my ship.

    I swam my way aboard her ship, fighting with every breath in my Sea Dog Body, slashing those bone freaks before me.

    Shortly the storm cleared, and the Shark gone, we had a moment peace and quiet to sink the Captain.

    With all our ships reunited, we claimed their Heads, Gold, and other Loot. It was finally over, we claimed our pirzes as we loaded them onto the ship.

    As our allys sailed away, me crew and I sat on our ship which was no more then some sail and planks holdinv everything together, we sat on bruised and exhauseted.

    Sittin in the beautiful sun light, watching our smalm fleet set sail, letting out a sigh of acomishment.

    Then we heard a horn, followed by a ship...

    This be another tale told by
    Captain "White eye" Bonny Rodgers

    Take this what you will, be it truth or a tall tell, but as I live and breath I claim this to be the truth...

    Besides, why wouldn't trust the word of a Pirate?

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