Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0

  • @kruskov47 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    The problems I am having are that I can't seem to find people to ally with. And trying to do the skelly ships with a single ship is nigh impossible. Especially if you are in a sloop.

    Just hop servers til u find the skelly ships that are bugged an Have no crew. Rare should really test the content more.

  • @khaleesibot @Rare-Gameplay How come there is still no quick keyboard keybind/controller bind for the speaking trumpet? The Speaking Trumpet already is too hard to reach on the second wheel, it needs a keybind. All other items have direct keybinds, but you forgot to add it for the speaking trumpet!
    Communication is key in a co-operative game, yet you make it so hard! Add a keybind for it already! It's been requested ever since the speaking trumpet was introduced in the Hungering Deep!

    Also, give us text chat support on Xbox One, via chat pad and USB Keyboard.

    The Alliance system is also nice and all, but please give us an option to have friends with their ships join our alliance and server so we can all play together instead of people being left out!

    Also, there needs to be a mechanic added to change ship type on the fly (after your ship is sunk or you scuttle it), with any ship being selectable as long as you don't exceed the maximum crew size for it.

  • This update took me one evening completing it.
    Well... atleast its more than the 2h of hungering deep.

  • @arij-lassano Including the 3 cursed sails battles, that's quite an achievement if so :)

  • @katttruewalker

  • Any chance we'll be able to dye our hair a different color from our beard/mustache at some point?

  • I know i already mentioned the behaviour of skeleton ships around rocks.
    But a few days ago i watched 2 skeleton ships circling one rock from my respawn point on Marauders Arch, no player ship was around at this point.
    On of the ships was already close to sinking.
    While wiggling their way around the rocks, the ships ran into each other, actually sinking one of them.
    It helps us, but the AI really could use a bit of an upgrade.
    note: The sunken ship didn't count for my commendations

  • One thing I've noticed is the captain ships despawning. I don't know if there is a time limit to the encounter, but I had a crew last night where we worked on it for almost 2 and a half hours (Solo, since not a single other ship came to help), but after we had sunk LITERALLY nine ships, the tenth ship dove down into the sea, and the encounter reset and we didn't get the credit for it. SUPER frustrating. If there is a time limit, it needs to be more obvious. Also, on a sidenote, the megaladon spawning really screwed us over, and I don't think it should spawn in EVERY single time. Rant done, thank you.

  • I've really enjoyed the update so far, although there are a few frustrations;

    • Lack of people that are willing to ally up and do the quests - not sure if those people are noobs or just not cool but I've struggled to find people to ally with to go and take out the skelly ships

    • the frequency of cursed cannonballs is very frustrating as on the Brigantine it become impossible to repair when skelly ships fire multiple dancing cannonballs in a row

    • the looting system is very difficult i.e when fighting in an alliance some people have a tendency to dodge the fight and just pick up the loot, then leave the alliance and the fight with the loot !
      I think a better system would be to force players to sink all the skelly ships, then have the last one remain as a shipwreck that contains all of the loot from the battle, i.e a bit more loot than a skeleton fort would leave, proportional to the amount of ships in the area/alliance

    • performance issues that I'm sure Rare will fix in the next patch

    Apart from that, very happy to play this !

  • Serious question here:

    Are “suicider” skeletons supposed to be spawning so frequently when you are on islands? I can almost not even walk 10 feet without spawning a horde.

    Also, are exploders supposed to run as fast as you sprint when they get close to you?

    And why are they able to stop their detonation of the explosives, when to my knowledge players can’t?

  • @olrazzl3dazzle said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    Serious question here:

    Are “suicider” skeletons supposed to be spawning so frequently when you are on islands? I can almost not even walk 10 feet without spawning a horde.

    Also, are exploders supposed to run as fast as you sprint when they get close to you?

    And why are they able to stop their detonation of the explosives, when to my knowledge players can’t?

    Players can stop the detonation of the explosives. If you are on xbox, one of the triggers does it, can't remember which one though.

    As far as running, I think you run ever so slightly faster then the rushing exploder. Not much but just enough that you can get away if you are quick to react to it.

    I can't answer about frequency since I have not experienced them much since the event.

  • @lifewcoke We did have an Athena Voyage since we had a dude join our alliance and propose one for us. Does that affect skeleton difficulty and frequency?

  • @olrazzl3dazzle Athena voyages do affect skeleton spawn frequency and difficulty, at least that is my understanding from feedback I have seen on the forum. I have not done any Athenas voyages so I could be wrong though.

  • Any idea when skull forts will be back?

  • If the ships submerge do the waves reset?

  • @humanpotsticker said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    Any idea when skull forts will be back?

    Hopefully they come back in tomorrow's patch.

  • Are we still going to be able to do any of the commendations after the 3 weeks is up? Unfortunately having a job and a life leaves a very small window to actually get a crew together and get them done.

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