Why Rare.... just WHY

  • Why is it that every weekly update and any dlc update your game breaks a little more?
    I understand that coding isn’t the easiest thing to do and Sometimes things get scrambled upon adding new things, but Everytime???? I honestly don’t recall any other games in my library of over 200+ on Xbox having this many issues everyday. When they do have issues they are fixed the same day.
    Your game is fun, the world is beautiful, but it is becoming unplayable. The bugs, and glitches are out of control. Twice this week already I have had Almondbeard either right at my Athena chest pickup or a mission or two before.
    Yes yes I know sudmit a support ticket. Heres the issue with that. This forum since last Tuesday has had more post about the update not loading, the Almondbeards, and the bugs and glitches. Uninstall and reinstall the game. Okay I did. Why is it our place to try to get your game to work? Why should we the customers (go to work) so to say to make your product playable? I’m sure the amount of support tickets they are receiving are huge. The reply we get back is it has been resolved that’s a huge LOL, and a go sit down and shut up. A week has almost went by and there are no patches or updates to fix any of these problems.
    I was really looking forward to tomorrow’s dlc release, but Now I sit and wonder if The update will install, if the Game will load, if I will be kicked out of the game at the most important time, and if it is really even worth trying to play at all. Am I and so many other going to have to uninstall and reinstall your game as we chant and run in circles showing our worth to the Kraken in hopes we can sail our boat on the sea and not in the clouds?
    Honestly it’s to the point that I wouldn’t even care if everything got put on hold so you could just focus on fixing the game back to playable again.
    Sorry for the long rant of this post, but after all the issues and The lack of support from the Rare Dev it gets old.

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  • @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3
    That many bugs? Have you seen GTA5 when it was just releashed and when GTA Online was new. I think this game is much better. I had last night also once an Almondbeard error when we parked at Snake Island for the OOS and we needed to deliver our animals at Ancient... Also for an Athena. But... I think it was more to do because of the server wich was empty for some hours.

    Things like that happens sometimes in online games, its not nice to have it. But I haven't got that much trouble with SOT like you say. Have you ever cleared your cache of your Xbox One? That will solve most problems too.
    Because the Almond Beard error can be your connection and also server related.

  • It's not uncommon for a game to have some bugs after patches. You have to take into account that the game isnt just that what's on your X-box but also the serverside data.

    A lot more can go wrong in these types of games then in your typical X-box game.
    I've played thousands of games and have had my fair share of bug riddled game.
    I'd challenge you to name one MMORPG with a perfect launch window (first 6 months). This game is structure wise (server and client) more like an MMORPG then a typical X-box game.

    It doesnt excuse the poor testing and Rare has themselves admitted that they need to do more testing before releasing the patches so hopefully this will improve.

    I've yet to be fustrated by a bug more then just annoyed at things like cannons not firing players at the right angle. It's slightly annotying to me, but everyone is different and I get that.

  • @XxMrVincexX @Hynieth
    I know all games have issues upon release. Everything you purchase can have bugs or glitches.
    I have seen, read and experienced a lot of issues this week with this game.
    I couldn’t install the update, had to force install. Couldn’t get the game to load after that. Sent in a support ticket. Uninstall and reinstall was the reply. In doing that I could play.
    Loading into cannons messes up audio. Well that’s been an issue for weeks, and still not fixed. I can deal with that. Also the occasional firing different directions from cannons. Also been a issues for weeks still I can deal. Upon running Athena the day before yesterday a captain skeleton at shipwreck starts running across the water and disappears. We all had to die to get the skellies to respawn. Only to complete it and go for the Athena chest and get Almondbeard. Submit a ticket. This issue has been resolved. Played last night. Our second to last mission in Athena. Making our way to Wanderers. We’ve seen 3 sloops and a galleon on the server. We are almost there an about to pull up sails when our galleon flips over knocking us all in the water and goes floating off into the sky right before we all get Almondbeard.
    Yes I do keep my cache cleared on my Xbox.
    All I’m saying is don’t tell people the issues are resolved when clearly they aren’t.
    It just gets a little frustrating.

  • @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3

    You might like to have a listen to Joe in the recent dev video, I know he's talked about performance, bugs etc in a previous one but he also talks about cursed sails and the risks involved in developing a game as a service and the potential problems they will be looking for and addressing.

    In the one previous he talks about how Rare are adapting how they do their testing before release and how this can be improved.

    I don't think it gives any developer pleasure to see the game they love causing issues and ruining the experience for players.

    At about 3:17 in this one -

    and again in this previous one at 1:50

  • @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3
    But that loading into cannons is not a real problem, then you just need to wait some seconds before you fire yourself.

    you said: All I’m saying is don’t tell people the issues are resolved when clearly they aren’t.

    But those things can happen, they don't maybe have the same type of connection like you have or your hardware is diffirent (like 1st gen. Xbox One, One S and One X) Because not everyone has those errors just as much like you do.
    Maybe it's just a setting wich is wrong on your Xbox or router. It's not always that easy.

    I have a c****y fiberglass connection at the moment. Get disconnected from partychats almost every day once. And my provider can't tell me whats wrong. They replaced my modem allready, they replaced all cables inside my house allready. So maybe it's the glass cable wich is outside. But thats not their problem, so I need to wait for another company.

    I had that Almondbeard also last night when almost finished an Athena with a lot of chest on board... lost about 10K.
    But like I said, those things can happen! I could get really mad, but it doesn't help.

    But as you say that you have it every week... then I would think its sounds to me more a problem related to your connection.
    Because this was my first Almondbeard Error this month.

  • I think they need to just have blizzard send over like 50 veteran server techs and coders and have them bring rare up to speed on how to code a multiplayer game...

    The past ten years rare has been making Kinect games and I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure this is their first multiplayer game since back in the old days and those didn’t have online. I give them credit for what they do have but it really is lacking content wise, and it needs to be scaled up. 15-45 mins between encounters for PVP sounds about right but I would like them to add actual reasons to not pvp so you can see ships often that you know are friendly just based on a flag for who they are doing quests for at the time, etc. the world needs to feel alive.

    If it’s coded like an mmo then they should embrace that and give us more than an empty world and fetch quests with 2 ai types, and beyond that the game should work more consistently. If they can’t achieve this maybe they should outsource to blizzard or someone like I said, but ofcourse microsoft would likely rather the game fail on some level and be there’s than succeed and lose money, though imo they would still make more money if this game was made to the standards we all want it to be.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo
    give us more than an empty world

    Question: Have you ever been on a real sea?

  • @xxmrvincexx yes I have but that isn’t the point of the game to capture real life or even real piracy. Hopefully cursed sails will be fun.

  • You know, if I could be paid a minimal amount for my time, I would be happy to game test, and I am OCD and have a perfectionist mentality, plus I’m a sp az, so I know I could find issues no one else could.

    But I am not very nice sometimes and can be VERY critical.

  • @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3

    I am frustrated beyond belief and no longer even attempt to play on my PC. It's a beast too but for some reason SoT just won't work. I basically get stuck on the "grey screen of death" every time I try to launch the game. The grey splash screen appears with the small Sea of Thieves picture then it goes all grey and then nothing. No crash, no error message, just a forever hang on a blank grey screen.

    Before you you ask YES, my graphics card drivers are up-to-date. My windows updates are current and turned on. My Windows Store is working and will download and install apps. Windows Firewall is turned On. X-Box shows multiplayer connectivity. In services I verified everything that should be running is up and running. i.e. (IP Helper, Intelligent Background Services, IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules, all X-Box Live Services, Etc...)

    I've uninstalled and re-installed the game multiple times. Sea of Thieves is broken and doesn't work while every other game on my machine runs flawlessly. I've pretty much given up trying to get it to work at this point. I'm certain it has to do with Crossplay. I thought it was a great idea but I'm starting to re-think my decision.

    I plan on posting a full on troubleshooting guide to getting this game working. That is, if I get motivated to give it another attempt and am successful in that attempt. I honestly have spent more hours troubleshooting the game and its issues than I have actually spent playing the game. I am a huge fan of Sea of Thieves and it's very frustrating. It's not supposed to be like this.

11 out of 12