Forming an Alliance with 3 Galleons and a Sloop isn’t always Fun...

  • Ahoy, so me and this Random Crew with Mature People with Mics (Hard to find) were trying to find someone to do the Gunpowder Skellies on a Fort, well we found a Galleon and they were good, one of our crewmates were generous enough to join his Crew to help out, it was going well until we had TWO more Galleons coming in, they were friendly, but then a Sloop came and it became a Shipfest, and it was a disaster, I got the commendation, but our other Crewmate did not, there was no coordination, everything was a MESS! Our crewmate, she decided to leave, it left me and the rest of our galleon and then the other galleon, we conquered the Fort and split the loot, sold it and got off...

    This encounter was more explosive than the Gunpowder Skeletons, ok I’ll stop...

    The End

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  • Well buck up. Few more days and its sea of friends as everyone will be in a giant alliance on every server as there is literally no reason not to

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  • @shuoink I feel like if the Alliance System is to OP, they should nerf it, in which you have to split up the loot, instead of getting the same amounts, that could lead to more interesting tales to tell.

    Lemme know what you think...

  • @lukayzarell said in Forming an Alliance with 3 Galleons and a Sloop isn’t always Fun...:

    @shuoink I feel like if the Alliance System is to OP, they should nerf it, in which you have to split up the loot, instead of getting the same amounts, that could lead to more interesting tales to tell.

    Lemme know what you think...

    supposedly there is a split already, but it doesnt seem substantial enough to warrant breaking alliances and starting drawn out fights for. why fight when you can split fort loot and clear forts together in minutes, and then each boat run an athenas at the same time and get double/triple/quadruple the athena rep you earn in one session

  • i cant wait til alliance is up and running. the PVP will be so much more fun. More targets to sink in close proximity.

  • @shuoink I understand.

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