It was epic! For us anyways!

  • We watched a Sloop chase a galleon. We were headed in about the same direction to turn in a barrel for a message in a bottle. We stopped at a sunken ship and I kept watch. We pull anchor and notice the sloop was headed for us. As we passed by Daggertooth I jumped off with the gunpowder barrel to turn it in.

    The sloop gave chase. We circled around back to the outpost so I could jump off to turn in the hateful skull we got off the sunken ship. I spawn back on our ship and we decide we’d just engage the sloop. We turned around and headed towards them. They rammed us and my partner jump in their ship and killed them both. I repaired our ship and set us to sail east while I bailed.

    My partner stayed on their sloop to keep them from repairing so they’d sink, but they both spawned in and shot him at the same time. They didn’t sink.

    We decided since we were about to quit for the night and we never have good outcomes in a Sloop on Sloop battle and we had one gunpowder barrel left that we’d engage again and keg their ship... hopefully. 😂😂

    We turn around. The wind with us and I take the wheel while my partner goes to the crow’s nest to get the gunpowder barrel. I line them up for a head on collision. We hit bow to bow! It was awesome! It was an instant stop and both sloops went up the bottom of each other’s Hull. My sloop partner had jumped off on to their deck with the barrel and lit the fuse. I hurried and turned us away before it exploded, but not in time. All 3 of them were on the ferry of the dead.

    I was unscathed but not our poor little sloop. Their ship sunk. I set our sloop to go straight and bailed until my partner spawned back in to repair our holes while I bailed. We had 7 holes!

    And I lived to tell this epic tale!

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  • @purplemajic Great tale of the seas. :o)

    What, no Megs or Don in this one? lol
    We had four megalodons in a tag-team effort yesterday. No sooner had one left us before another gave chase. As if the word had got around between them. lol
    Although we were doing an Athena's my silly crew were like kids in a candy store, shooing guns and cannons at all four megalodons, against my pleas to cash-in first.
    It's like talking to three short planks at times. lol

    Luckily none of the meg encounters resulted in an attack on our ship as I warned them "If you bring it on yourselves then don't expect me to repair or bail" and I meant it.
    We did manage to run aground simply because the three of them were distracted on the stern and at that point I had given up on trying to retain any form of common sense in the game. I could have steered or dropped anchor but thought why should I? The lesson needed to be taught.

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