What is honour?

  • There has been many discussions on these forums about honour, but given the game is about thieves, honour perhaps plays secondary fiddle (oh Rare why no fiddle instrument?).

    I, pirate captain of a galleon, had a merchant quest, got distracted by wreck or two, now coming in hot to the deadline... problem is... there's a sloop (perhaps just spawned) at the outpost we need to get to, not only that, we're full of bounty too....

    What do we do?

    We decide to go in fast with the wind and canons blazing.....

    Eventually, as we approach, the gentleman on the spit bow was clear, playing his sweet music, as the cannon fire rained in.... marine was fired on board, blunderbuss in hand... he continued to play...his boat was sunk, he died to canon fire.

    But he died with honour.

    I, on the other hand, had a mutiny to contend with....

    Three felt, even with our black pirate ship adorned front and high, with warnings... we did wrong.... but how do we know, the true intentions of the pirate?

    How do we know, as we off load our Red Speckled Hen..... we won't lose it to a random shot... or a chest disappearing from the galleon whilst distracted...

    Thank-you Rare for giving us a game where we actually have to think, about where morale's come into question.... where a mutiny can happen... name me one other game with these dilemmas?

    Solo Sloops, keep on playing, but away from the pirate galleons, and forgive the lack of mercy... for you are great, but nonetheless, I will never trust you... for I am scarred by many of your, less than honourable forbearers….

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  • @corleththefey Any full loot pvp game, they have been around for a long time...

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