Sea of Equality

  • I’ll make this short and sweet, I join a crew I found on game hub,bid them a warm greeting in party chat and someone responds with a “do you speak spanish” in a forced but okay Spanish pronunciation. I ablidge and respond in spanish saying “yes I do”. All of a sudden I hear a loud no thanks we don’t play with people like you and get kicked from party. Unfortunately for them they had already sent me a game invite. Legendary voyage halfway done on the table. Chicken coops overboard, pig crates overboard. Powder kegs on the crows nest systematically lit one by one and exploded on the top deck. Perhaps I shouldn’t have gotten as p****d as I did, but perhaps we should all just be decent to eachother. It’s a game, our only border should be the Red Sea.

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  • @novas-soul There is a lot of unrest in the world, it's a shame really. Sorry you had a bad experience.

  • @novas-soul I am sorry you had to experience this. It truly makes my heart hurt....

    I do hope you reported the players responsible. The only way for change to happen is for those being impacted to speak up, speak loud, and speak often! Together we are strong! We can work towards eliminating negative behaviors by ensuring those responsible face consequences. If enough people report, then those bad seeds will be tossed!

    You are welcome on my crew any time. Unless you kill my pet chicken...then it's to the brig with ye! 😋

    Happy sailing!

  • @personalc0ffee Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself! 🐔

  • @novas-soul Sad to hear you encountered that mate as Personal C0ffee said earlyer when you encounter these people report them. I had something simulair once were someone said He sounds russian i dont trust him... I was like really and thought it was a joke but they acctualy booted me :O Ahh well they sank their loss.

    Hope to once see you upon the sea,
    Kind Regards

  • Honestly? You should have reported them, but in this special case I hope they've reported you as well.

  • @novas-soul

    Ahoy mate, in instances like this we'd recommend filing a report - which you can do in game or out of game.

    I'll close this one down now as this type of behaviour is not welcome on the Sea of Thieves.

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