Everything went bad so fast...

  • This is the story about how I lost my snakes.

    So there I was, sailing into the Shores of Plenty for 2 gold chickens, a black, a blue snake and 3 powder barrels.
    Nothing bad there. I roll up along to the smaller islands along the way to Smuggler's bay(I need to get Gunpowder from the Fort near there anyway) and I get my chickens and I get my snakes on Smuggler's Bay.
    I roll up on the Fort, anchor and jump off to find some powder, and then a guy, who shall remain nameless, started spamming the rolling on deck emote. This is a Pirate Legend in full Ghost outfit, jumping around like a bunny and shooting and slashing and so forth.
    I die because I can't hit this bunny consistenly and when I get back, he has killed my snakes and thrown my chickens overboard.
    He kills me almost immediately(Thanks spawncamper) and I spawn back in and he has taken my ship and started sailing away.
    And through shear luck, he jumps at the right time and I shoot him off the ship, right into the mouth of a shark.
    I go back, get my chickens(Who are not dead), check the island for barrels(None there), go to Cresent Island and get some new snakes and I go to Sancturary to turn them in.
    As I turn them in a sloop that had hidden behind some rocks make a suicide run at my ship and they blow up my ship, their ship and kill all of us with gunpowder.
    Don't ask me how, they got close and then everything exploded.
    Luckily, I only had my blue snake left to sell.
    I spawn back in on a new ship, right next to a fort, I get my barrels, go back, turn them in and I look for my snake basket(Which should still be there), but it is gone.
    I check the players who attacked me and they are shown as being in the menu, so they left after their suicide run on me.

    So there I am, unable to turn in my last snake. I gave a one shot salute in honor of his sacrifice, started sailing away, and then a galleon starts chasing me...

    I give up and log out.
    I lost, my snake is dead! What more do you want from me?!
    I join a new server and get a new quest for 3 snakes and 3 pigs, 2 gold and 1 black snakes and 3 gold pigs, I go get them, go to Galleons Grave to turn them in. On the way there Meg Jr. eats my snakes...
    All of this happened over the course of an hour.
    *sigh * Never become a snake Merchant.

  • 3
  • @danish-crusader sad story dude sad story night like this happen keep it up tommorow gonna be better ^^ i hope

  • Feelsbadman

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