And You Fail...

  • So I was teamed up with someone and we were both working on merchants, we had to deliver 6 chickens to plunder outpost (1 red, 4 black, 1 gold). Along the way, we got a message in a bottle for a crate of cannonballs ( deliver to plunder outpost as well, and we had plenty of cannonballs) plus another message for 3 chests (found 2 seafarers and a marauders).

    We got to plunder outpost but we're followed by another sloop. My thinking was to cash in the chickens as quick as possible. We anchored and these guys anchored just behind our sloop and started shooting cannonballs, but none of them hit the lower haul, only the upper where the map table is, meaning that our ship wasn't gonna sink fast or barely sink at all.

    We just cashed in our chickens, chests, and the crate of cannonballs, and neither of the 2 guys came over to steal our stuff until we sold all of it. Then when they ran out of cannonballs (again none of the cannonballs hit our lower haul and I assume they ran out cause they stopped firing them...), they try and ram us. One of them used a gun powder barrel on our ship but did more damage to their ship, plus I was repairing while making sure no one came to kill me, which they didn't.

    My partner killed both of them, and their ship was sinking, while ours was patched up. We watched as their ship sank. What in the world? Did you guys really just fail that badly?

    I'm sorry, but I'm just amazed at these guys and laughing my head off too. They attacked us, which for the most part we had chickens which aren't worth a lot unless on voyage to deliver them, we sold our stuff without a single one of them coming to take any of it, they can't hit a good spot on our ship, they did more damage to their ship with a gun powder barrel than us, and they failed miserably at doing anything of worth to us and humiliated about epic fail...

    It's these kinds of people I'm disappointed with cause you just want to attack for no reason other than it's part of the game (which I can't stress enough, just because you can doesn’t mean you should...), but sadly you can't even attack people correctly and humiliate yourselves more than anything. To these people, I don't want to offend you, but give up on this game and try another game or hobby, you're not going anywhere with your actions especially if you fail badly like these guys.

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  • @thegreatluthe Give them the time to pratice and they might be able to sink ships who knows!

  • @arkhais maybe, but it was a disgrace...

  • Similar situation happened to us a few days ago while doing athena missions. We were on our galleon and at our first island (snake island) to dig chests and collect animals. We see a galleon heading our way full speed, we all run back to the boat, turn broadside and wait. As they come into cannon range we let loose firing all 4 left cannons in their direction, we assume from their angle they are preparing to ram so one of us runs down low to be ready for repairs when they hard anchor maybe 100 yards from our ship and spin a full 180 with their rear now facing us, our repairer runs back up to get back on cannons, i fire myself onto their ship and run down to defend the holes, and without having to kill anyone they sunk, no one even came to their lower deck to repair! In the water after they sink i kill 2 and one of them gets me before my team comes to finish the job, on the death ferry i hear them talking and the driver is apologizing for turning so hard before anchoring 🤣
    They came back 1 more time before we finished at snake island.. pretty much the same thing happened but i didnt even leave the boat that time. Never saw them again

  • Need to practice somehow. We aren’t good at PVP, so we pick battles with galleons before we log off sometimes to get in practice. We know we will not win, but it helps with learning to aim and shoot the cannons while in motion.

  • Children play this game too, ya know - they may not be able to fully grasp the finer points of the mechanics, but hey, they just wanna play the role of a big, bad pirate... I say more power to them!

  • @thegreatluthe lot of new players since e3 they have to learn most of them probably got attacked and stealed from experienced ppl they try to do the same but fail lol happen to me
    This week by a duo sloop they tried everything but ive see them
    In the noob outfit with no sail no paint so started talk to them and when they were out of cannonball they start talking told me they think everyone on sea was there to steal them i loled and tell them most will but not everyone so i give them my 2 marauder founded on a shipwreck they dont even know shipwreck can hold stuff they think it was player boat who got sunk ^^ they were happy appologize 4 the attack and sailed away haha remember me my first time in beta shooting everything haaaa good memories

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