Bilge Rat's Log :: Day 1 :: Reckless Friendliness

  • So. There I am sittin' in just ruddy old tavern and havin' missed the first massive in-campaign ever...

    ..well, fer the most part, I'm glad. Going on pacifist runs with jaws larger than life after ye and maties cheerin' and jeerin' fer death and slaughter would truly not make not killin' somethin' a happy event.

    So aye, aimin' meself at that Bilge Rathood, I set sail fer me first Bone Throne. Mind ye, I'm solo, by meself, all lonesome, naked of a crew. Also, very much so mind ye, I hadn't necessarily read ye old fine print and was somewhat slow to realize that these Bilge Rat Bone Throne quests.

    How slow? Well. 15 minutes slow, 3-bananas-gone-into-me-gut-and-a-dance-of-lanterns-up-down-left-right slow. After hittin' the maps and readin' the ye olde fine print, I ventured to venture the high seas and to just scope the horizon, lookin' fer any open Thrones and verifyin' me wits and wisdom wit' some of those Ratty clues.

    Fer the most part, the seas were easy and so were spottin' those wooden high chairs. However, there was this one particular seat I was curious about: The One Beneath the Waves seat. Ye see... there's cave at the bottom of the sea guarded by sunk ship and, if yer not fast enough, very hungry fishes with very pointy teeth who, by the name of @Clumsy-George, I was first introduced to. And so, I ventured... after discovering some shinies along the coasts and some spice all drenched by salt water.. to refind.

    As I pulled up the canvas, disembodied voices shrieked and shrilled with excitement! Which scared me half to death and readied me to bail both ship and pacifist sabbatical. But I stood me ground and shouted, "AHOY!" ... not shouted but more or less typed in the local chat because this be a muted voyage...

    No responses was made, but in hindsight, it seemed they were just one crew investigatin' that same said cave fer that same said and very particular Boney Throne AND me presence upon the nearby shore made them a small group of happy pirates.

    I dove into the waters not knowin' if they be friendly or feisty. AAAAAnd they were neither. They be totally invisibly absent. But, aye, I found me ways into the Throne Room and sat, ready to take ye olde selfie when --- THE ROOM SHOOK AND THE BONEY HEADS GLOWED!!

    Aye! There me lonesomed self gained a reward of findin' that Bilge Rattiest of a Seat! Mind you, I was in total shock and glee and wanted to thank the Disembodied Crew ( @crM4-STYL3Z being a pirate in their company I believes) fer helpin' me gain me first Bilgey Stripe BUT. . .

    I found neither hide nor hair nor faint rancid aroma of any bilged ratiuos of a pirate at surface level. To my surprise, me ship wasn't ransacked. Aye. Believe it or not -- most likely not I'm guessin' -- me two chests and box of spices I procured from a Rudder Up Wreck were STILL down below safely stowed.

    Some sun-ups and sun-downs later, I got the thought in me head that hey, let's try just sailing up to random blokes and see if they were angling fer some Throney Bones Rep.

    So, me first random ship was a galleon. Wantin' to bust the myths and rumours that gallies weren't the friendliest of seafarin' ships, I rolled up to half canvas, jumped onto me rudder, and gave them a hearty wave of the hand, yellin', "AHOY!"

    I'm not sure or not but I think the wavin' of an opened hand and word AHOY must be some vulgar slang for "Yer Mum got barnacles from yer Ugly Uncle Jim and yer bum looks like an over-plugged b**g!" in some foreign lands, because the cursed Sailor Cap SHOT ME several, Several, SEVERAL TIMES! the rumours and myths stay true fer now.

    Me second and last attempt at haphazard gentility was at the Sunken Grove. Thinkin' that be the direction of the original jolly crew who inadvertently help me before and also thinkin' that be where one Throney Bones be at. ...Mind you, being shot at plays the devil's fiddle in yer mind and prevents ye from goin' back to ye olde fine print and verifyin' where the blasted cursed ratty seats be.

    But AYE, I set sailed and found a lonesome, empty dinghy at the shores of the Sunken Grove -- which is odd because ye'd figured there be some plethora of oranges or coconuts or bananas hanging from sultry limb WHEN there's only an oubliette of unwanted DEATH! But aye, their midnight oil was burnin' in the stark of day so I jumped aboard, yellin', "AHOY AHOY AHOY! CAN I JOIN YER CREW AHOY!"

    With no noise spoken, I went ahead and turned out their lamps -- that bein' the friendliest of I'm-not-goin'-to blow-up-yer ship-just-here-to-sit-me-bum-on-a-wooden-plank-decked-out-in-glowy-skulls-would-ye-be-so-kind-in-helpin'-me-help-you' gestures. And again, with no noise uttered, I hopped, skipped, and hurled meself onto shore. ' I ran in hopes to see some scarry smilin' faces -- to have those hopes sank, sank like me own dinghy after hearin' some cannon fire and wonderin' arrr there actually cannons on this here isle exhaustedly to see a mermaid wavin' and winkin' at me like I'm some prince whose party boat just got tossed by some tempest!
    Yup, maties. Trial Two didn't fair well at'all. But. It's not like I've lost full and utter hopes mind you. Another day, another dooble. R')

    #StopTheViolence#EnactTheKindness #aRAREpacifist

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