So where are the Forsaken Shores?

  • Where do you think they will be located? Below row 26? Inside a portal opened by the cursed sails? Within the world where the ferry of the damned resides? Other?

  • 16
  • @king-brouille Hmm, I've wondered about this - there's space down to the south west of the map, but a dangerous volcanic region seems to fit better beyond the Wilds somewhere too?

  • @king-brouille There's a nice spot of sea down near Shark Bait Cove or up near Marauders Arch... them two are my likely suspects.

  • Or extend the map rather than adding into the existing map?

  • I suspect you will have to leave your current ship as the path to the Forsaken Shores will be too treacherous for your full sized vessel.

    Which leads me to suspect you will need to pass through the Devils' Shroud...

  • I'm hoping for a seperate instance. A map extension could be an alternative, but the volcano area would somehow disturb the panoramic view.

  • To me it has to be an extension of the existing map, or some form of instance or new realm.
    If it does link into the cursed sails event then all the better!

  • I predict it will be located to the east of the current map. It would dovetail nicely with the Wilds and would not seem out of place along that part of Ancient Isles.

  • @wipe-nd-clean well they are out of letters (a-z) and I don't see them stretching them out to cover new space. Maybe it is beyond the red sea and there is NO physical map to reference... that would be cool

  • @king-brouille Yeah A-Z but numbers are infinite going North / South instead

  • They definitely said, somewhere that it was through the mist or some such thing (if it wasn't in the teaser video, it was an interview I saw from E3 - perhaps with Shelley).
    I suspect we will have to sail through another sort of shroud... just as everyone within the Sea Of Thieves needed to do in order to get there... this sounds like it may be through another level of such mysterious barriers.

    I agree, however, that a volcanic area could definitely work off of the Wilds - North-East is where I'd guess, if it is purely connected that way.

    Also, if the map needs expansion (East or West) AA-ZZ (and the like) is always an option.

  • @king-brouille I was doing some exploring on Marauders Arch the other day and on the north beach there's those colored circular lanterns that the OoS uses in an area that looks like someone should be standing. So you might be on to something there @Musicmee

  • I belive we will have to go thru the red sea )

  • I assumed it would be an extension of the map. But I do think i remember hearing rhem say there would be only one entrance and have been wondering how they would handle that. I really hope its not a seperate instance, you should be able to chase ships from the normal sea into the new area.

  • @william-flint @spiffydeer420

    Good discussion and information thread here around the location of Forsaken Shores, I'll close this one now as the op is a little out of date now.

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