did they say anything about new threat in forsaken shores?

  • I was wondering if they said anything about a new threat or threats

  • 7
  • At E3 on Thursday Rare is going to have a presentation about Sea of Thieves. If there is going to be any major information dropping soon that would be the time.

  • @roughleech03117

    While we wait for that, there are a couple of interviews you can watch here -

  • @katttruewalker In the first video is the bildge rat costmetics only for legends

  • @roughleech03117 Nope. You will buy them with a currency earned through the weekly events.

    @KattTruewalker I just watched the Shelly Preston interview and wow. Anyone who thinks Rare isn't listening needs to watch it. She addressed so many good points. AI ships based on player feedback, adding replay value to events, events giving progress towards pirate legend. Great interview.

  • @roughleech03117 I really hope they add the sea serpent in forsaken shores. In the road map, they said they were planning on adding an AI threat with forsaken shores, but now it just sounds to be the islands as the threat. Hopefully there is more than what they say!

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