How Rude?!

  • It was going good until the dreaded server combine message. We didn’t see anyone else after the message so we continued with our Merchant. It was a good one. We just had a hard time finding a black chicken. We finally found one and off to turn in everything. Then a sloop we see. Then the sloop we see fire on us. Then we fired back. They chased us. We fire on them some more. They snipe our barrels while my partner was in the crows nest. I have to repair. Our sloop heads into the Red Sea and they followed apparently. Partner spawns back on and gets us out of the Red Sea while I repair. Then I come up from repairing and me and the lone black chicken take a cannon ball to the face. I spawn back on and they have rammed and boarded. Killed our chickens and then the other guy brought a barrel into our hull and I didn’t want to shoot him because he had the barrel. He pulls his sword and hits the barrel. We spawn on an island with our new sloop then we leave the game. 😞 They killed my one and only, hard to find, black chicken! How rude?!

  • 26
  • @purplemajic Black chickens seem to be rarer than a golden chicken lately!

  • A toast to remember our dear departed Fowl friends.

    We bid you adieu until again friends!

  • @lizalaroo indeed! We went to 3 islands on the way to the outpost and no black chickens. And one island only had 1 lone white chicken. We had to go far north to Crooked Masts to get the black chicken. There were gold chickens on 2 of the 3 islands we visited.

  • @braxkedren We worked hard for that black chicken. 😂😂 They also probably got our Exquisite Spice crate we forgot to turn in at the other outpost. Boo! We even had snakes on board 2 Golden.

  • @purplemajic Wow. Brutal.

  • Had the same thing happen yesterday, only we had a ship full of chickens! Sad day for ol’Rooster on the Chicken Chaser

  • @ninjagamer741 sloop on merchant sloop violence I hate to see that. Especially when it’s my sloop and potentially $4000 gold being killed. 😩

  • @rooster-guidot 😭😭😭😭

  • 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @clumsy-george idk why youd even steal it, not worth much at all. i love robbing people but if i saw or knew they just had animals i would leave them be as its no good to me.

  • May "Barrack" rest in peace😎

  • @purplemajic L**o, Sloop on sloop crime muwahahahahahaaaahaahhhhha

  • Engage me in PvP, and I'll kill your animals & steal your treasures. Animals aren't worth much, without a voyage requesting them. They're not worth the hassle to carry them back to the boat.

  • @purplemajic poor chicken.

  • @purplemajic Good gosh. xD #SoRude

  • Try using the megaphone item you have to tell your persuers your carrying merchant animals, usually they will stop bothering you and if they insist you can always tell them they are welcome to send someone on board to check.

    When I'm attacking/ boarding a sloop and see livestock everywhere I usually appologise for the intrusion and leave. No loot here.

  • @hynieth Doesn't always work.
    Me and my neighbour was doing a Merchant Voyage the other day when we were attacked by a fully supplied sloop.
    They did not care about what we had(2 empty chicken coops and a black snake in a basket), they just wanted to sink us, and they did... But we stole their boat and smashed it into an island and sunk them too.
    We then went back to where we sank, got out cages, got new animals and sold them a couple of minutes before the timer ran out.
    After they killed our snake we wasn't about staying alive anymore, it was about revenge! Don't mess with Merchant Voyagers animals, we tend to get a little crazy when our animals die due to PvP =P

  • @danish-crusader Yeah that's why I dont attack merchants :-P they come back for you ^_^
    and it might not always work but even if it works 50% of the time that's still something.

  • @purplemajic That sounds super rude! In future, if you have a hard time finding a particular color animal, remember that if all players at the island are dead at the same time, the island will reset itself.

    Also, check out this map:

    It shows which animals are at which islands, so you don't need to waste time sailing to different ones as much! I think there's an app for your phone that does the same thing as well.

    Let me know if you need help doing merchant quests, I'm usually down to do them, and almost never get sunk!

  • @ahab-smollett Thanks for the link to the map. That’s a different one than we’ve been using. But what was the problem was that one island that said had chickens had none, no animals. And the next island that said had chickens only had one lone white chicken. We passed that island twice because we had to go to an island above it and then back to the outpost below it. Both times one white chicken. It was weird.

  • Darling child, I shall always provide cover. And bananas.

  • @purplemajic The smaller islands always have a chance to spawn no animals. Dying or sailing/firing yourself out of the island "area" will reset it.

  • @ahab-smollett good to know. we just didn't go back to the island that had no chickens because it was on our way to where we needed to be and we had 2 more islands for chickens to check.

  • Ouch. Had that happen a few times. I usually stockpile cages and collect a gob of livestock, then keep selecting new voyages to hock off the gold and black critters.

    Never fun seeing your cargo wasted like that.

  • @purplemajic there goes dinner

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