Hungering deep achievement

  • Today i had tons of fun playing the hungering deep! It was so much fun to team up with 3 other galeons and take down the boss.

    I have to say though the ending was kind of antiqlimactic and i had an issue with the achievement not popping, is this. Known issue?

    Thanks for the great expension guys! Keep up the great work!!!

  • 6
  • @boterhamzakk what achievement ? There is no achievement for anything in this update not getting all the journals neither killing the megalodon

  • I checked and there doesn't look like there's any achievements for killing it just the commendation and a cool figurehead with some sick tats so let's hope we get one soon.

  • Oh my bad then, i thought i heard all the other crews talking about an achievement when we killed it. Maybe it was something else.

    Sorry :)

  • @boterhamzakk All that hard work and no acheivement? Well f**k that is dumb.

  • @koldslaw why coming here to do a necro when you already have made a new post about this thread?!

5 out of 6