Forward Cannons! Please...😁

  • Imagine if ye would...
    Out on the open sea, miles away from any sort of land. Ye be trying to catch every last scrap of wind with ye sails aboard your sloop. Attempting to reach the closest port or outpost to cash in ye booty.
    Then, from behind a bolder you passed. A Gaillon appears bearing down on your sloop with no mercy. And they open fire with there "forward cannons"...

    Would it be possible to add forward facing cannons to all the ships?
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.😍

  • 36
  • I’m not sure if this would be a great idea for this game. At first it sounds great, but when you think about it, it removes some of the skills required to manauever your ship into a broadside position to fire off some shots.

    One could argue that it would end the cat & mouse chases that occur sometimes, and force people into fighting. It certainly has both pro’s and con’s, but I am still leaning towards not wanting that in the game. I like the aspect of having to maneuver your ship into firing positions and using your sailing skills on the sea to beat your opponents as opposed to simply having them in front of you.

  • @epyon777 said in Forward Cannons! Please...😁:

    Imagine if ye would...
    Out on the open sea, miles away from any sort of land. Ye be trying to catch every last scrap of wind with ye sails aboard your sloop. Attempting to reach the closest port or outpost to cash in ye booty.
    Then, from behind a bolder you passed. A Gaillon appears bearing down on your sloop with no mercy. And they open fire with there "forward cannons"...

    Would it be possible to add forward facing cannons to all the ships?
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.😍

    It wouldn't be true to real ships, but it HAS been a thought that has crossed my mind multiple times. I'm for it if they decide to add it. :)

  • This may be "historically accurate", but it would be detrimental to PvP. The results of a naval encounter (no boarding, just cannons) is 80% good seamanship. If you don't know how to maneuver to get your broadside aimed at the other ship, then they deserve to escape because they're better sailors than you are. Adding bow cannons would undermine seamanship skills as a determining factor in battle.

  • @allamerican-440
    That sir is a great point i did not take into consideration.
    I was only thinking of a way to fight back against such a threat.

  • I would like a small " captains " cannon on one side of the sloop. Tiny cannon that sits on rail. Im not sure what they are technically called and it would not pack a punch like a main cannon. More of a pirate slaying mechanism. Tiny balls.

  • @epyon777 I think the thought has had crossed all of our minds at some point, well at least most of us. However whenever I've pondered it, my imagination of it always leads to me thinking "well then they might as well add the USS Monitor then", which would be super awesome, but still kinda game breaking.

  • @sirsn34kyfox
    Grape shot, if i remember correctly.
    Used by some to take out a mast on smaller ships.
    I am all for adding more cannons to the sloops.

  • @allamerican-440 said in Forward Cannons! Please...😁:

    @epyon777 I think the thought has had crossed all of our minds at some point, well at least most of us. However whenever I've pondered it, my imagination of it always leads to me thinking "well then they might as well add the USS Monitor then", which would be super awesome, but still kinda game breaking.

    LOL Too true. xD Another thing to consider is if you have it, so will they. (Kinda scary, if you think about it...)

  • This could be balanced if rear facing cannons were simultaneously implemented. Maybe give the front a very limited arc like 20° or 25° and the back a slightly larger arc like 30° or 35°.

  • Chaser guns would be overpowered, and completely negate the use of Broadsides. Then it'd be Sea of Dogfighting.

  • It would be good in that it ends the endless chases that get no-one anywhere. However for real PvP action it would make everything too easy. I hate long chases especially when I know my crew is better than the ones we are chasing but pure game mechanics always keep them just out of reach if they don't make any mistakes. But for real hardened pvp it would undermine the tactics Kill crews make and use to efficiently sink multiple ships at a time.

  • @zherron-vorse
    I soo understand what you are saying.
    I have been on the other side of a chase in a sloop. It burns me when i know I'm a better sailor than that of any of the crew on the gallion chasing me.
    In a chase, i keep to the shore line or close by rocks and bolders. Open water in a sloop is death.

  • @zherron-vorse
    But rear and front mounted cannons would be great. It would burn up supplies on both ships. And bring a chase to a short end.

  • @ninjagamer741 true to real ships? Some ships did have forward cannons :D but it is a interesting idea!

  • @zherron-vorse
    Also the extra cannons would help cut down on troll crews, who do no work but camp the outposts. And ambush incoming ships.

  • @blam320
    Please go try black flag. It adds a whole other world to navel warfare.

  • @epyon777 said in Forward Cannons! Please...😁:

    Please go try black flag. It adds a whole other world to navel warfare.

    Assassin's Creed =/= Sea of Thieves. Chaser guns aren't what someone thinks of when they imagine pirates battling on the high seas. You imagine two ships going at it broadside to broadside, every gun to bear. Not two ships trying to get on each others' six-o-clock like warplanes.

    Add chasers and you take away an important dynamic to combat in Sea of Thieves. Chasers make it too easy to attack other ships when placed in front and too easy to defend yourself from other ships when placed in the rear.

  • @blam320
    The cannons would end the long dragged out, pointless chase's.
    And add an ambush feature not thought of before.

  • @personalc0ffee
    I SAID.... If i remembered correctly!
    Just for G.P. How many cannons or guns for that matter have you shot in real life?
    I am part of a cannon crew.
    Also own a eight pounder swivel cannon.

  • No chasers. No forwards.

    Unless there is a really big slow ship that gets them - fine - but the ships we have are relatively balanced well.

    Those that saying they don't like the long chases - then don't chase. Those that are getting chased - turn around and fight.

  • We should not have forward or rear guns. Just good sailing tactics. Best to keep games balanced, especially for the single player.

  • I think ye ships are balanced well and should be left as they are. Extra cannons and weapons on the ships would just mess up the balance.

  • @allamerican-440 said in Forward Cannons! Please...😁:

    This may be "historically accurate", but it would be detrimental to PvP. The results of a naval encounter (no boarding, just cannons) is 80% good seamanship. If you don't know how to maneuver to get your broadside aimed at the other ship, then they deserve to escape because they're better sailors than you are. Adding bow cannons would undermine seamanship skills as a determining factor in battle.

    I disagree. The way cannons in this game works doesn't benefit good seamanship at all, it benefits mostly good aim on cannons.

    Cannons reloading super quickly and being able to move left to right so much so fast doesn't value positioning tactics of the boat at all as much as other naval combat games.

  • @eatdamuffin I see your point, but even if cannons are the beneficiary of the current state of the game, you still have to maneuver the ship into a position where your broadside is aimed at the enemy, preferably aimed at the bow or stern and out of the firing arc of the enemy's cannons.

    I've played with enough public crews filled with dim-witted pirates that are plagued by poor seamanship to know that all it takes is one genius to grab the wheel to ruin a good firing angle. And with the way flooding/cannons/repairing is currently balanced in the game, the best way to sink a ship using cannons is to punch holes faster and for longer than the enemy can repair. This only underscores the importance that the crew property tend to the sails and rudder in order to maximize the crew's potential in battle.

  • And laser guided missiles. And mines. And submarines. And giant robots....


    No. Please no. It takes away any advantage of manouverability a sloop may have.

  • @my-rum-is-gone said in Forward Cannons! Please...😁:

    @ninjagamer741 true to real ships? Some ships did have forward cannons :D but it is an interesting idea!

    Huh, I didn't know that. :\ Guess I better get back to studies. xD

  • @epyon777 not for front guns but I would like to see some sort of catapult system in the rear. Allow it only to turn 45 degrees and launch gunpowder barrels. Launch ratius should only be approx 50 meters. If you get luck you line one up in front of a chasing ship. If you don’t it deters the ship from chasing you.

  • If this game were meant to be "historically accurate" pirates would not be fighting other pirates to begin with.

  • The ONLY way that I can see a forward cannon being in this game and being balanced is if Rare decided they wanted to make a dedicated ship type for 1 player (only allows solo play) that is basically a "Gun Boat" which has 1 cannon (forward facing) as if it is only a solo ship it means the person firing has given up helm and sail control to do it. Anything that supports a Crew shouldn't get this.

    Even with that I generally feel it is a bad route to go.

  • Defo a bad idea... It would make open sea pvp a complete nightmare.

  • Maybe if they increased the angle you can move the side facing cannons though... That could work nicely.

  • If forward cannons, then rear cannons. Drops mic...

  • I would prefer one aimed to the back of the ship, it makes more sense to add one to the back. I'm not putting myself in this category because I like PvP but having one on the front, it would be way to easy to kill the one at the helm.

    Whereas one at the back, you're just trying to get away. Though if we're being real here, I don't think it would have a good reaction being on the seas.

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