Deckhand and how to apply for it if possible?

  • i saw someone the other day with sails that had a red background with a diamond on either side and a white hand in the middle .is there a way to apply for being a community deckhand or are you just selected?

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  • Hey there @Alxstprophet

    Those sails sure are lovely, aren't they? However I didn't think that the deckhand sails had diamonds on them - just the hand. I could be wrong. My error - there are diamonds on the sails.

    Deckhands are chosen not applied for. Deckhands are amazing, really hard working, and do a really good job of being Community Moderators in the Sea of Thieves Forums; as well as the Official Xbox Clubs and Verified Discord.

    More information on deckhands can be found here:

  • for me its not about having unique sails and unique hull color its more about what i had to do to get the sails and what i can bring and or contribute to the community.

  • @clumsy-george im down for putting in effort if it makes the SOT better for other gamers

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