My galleon got sunk with 1.5hr of Skulls, and I liked it.

  • So I actually got sunk yesterday in SOT by another galleon with 1.5 hours of skulls on board. It actually felt good to get sunk, since it so rarely happens!

    I had one very experienced player, and two mediocre players in the crew.. On the way to our next OOS mission we noticed a galleon parked, shooting their cannons at the island so we assumed they had loot on board and decided to go gank it. On approach once we got approximately 4 minutes away the f!@#$%^ krakken snatched us. The galleon in the distance still had its sails up and seemed to still be interested in their quest.

    I gave the order to disperse the creature using pistols and snipers to save our cannonballs. (In retrospect this was a foolish mistake, considering the galleon proximity) The galleon we were going to gank must have noticed we were in a fight with the Krakken and seized the opportunity to attack us. Long story short, the galleon was an experienced one with a couple of legends on board who were decent pvpers.. In combination with the Krakken grabbing our crewmembers (and one noobish player on repairs who decided repairing mid-deck was a priority in the middle of all this) the battle quickly resulted in a loss.

    All in good fun!

    The one experienced player raging on the guy who was on repairs in the end was pretty funny to listen to... It went something like:

    Good player: "dude, there were like no holes at all what were you doing"
    noob: "no man, they were like SIX holes, I was busy trying to repair them so we did not sink"
    Good player: "$%^E^#^#$^#^%"
    Me: yeah man, mid-deck holes are not a priority in the middle of PVP lol"
    Noob: <sad-panda quit>

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  • @personalc0ffee of course they need to be repaired but this was a very high pressure situation and it certainly was not a priority in this instance in my opinion.

    I wonder if the developers intended the Krakken to be a 'ship-holder' to make easy prey out of what would otherwise have been a formidable opponent. It would've been nice if the Krakken grabbed their ship too. At least it would have been a fair fight.

    Looking back, the loss should really be chalked up to my decision not to use cannonballs on the Krakken, if we would have let him up with cannons from the beginning we probably would have been free by the time the other galleon got close... Overconfidence in the 1st°, guilty as charged.

    I learned from the mistake and will not make the same mistake again

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