The Brig

  • Joined a game and straight away sent to brig by other 3 players. Thought this isn't nice and on Mic asked why and got no reply so I said I will stay to next outpost. Started playing the muisc and kept finger on button after about half hour I got message saying leave. I replied I would of left at very start if asked which I have done before no problem but thought they lacked manners so was staying to next outpost cash out. After about a hour in total they cashed out and let me out I checked the boat and around it to make sure everything was sold messaged the guy thanks for easy money and told them to play nice and was on my way. Was this the right way to play this I think so

  • 3
  • I have the rare moments being put in brig with no reasion, and surely I get no message to say leave or if its just trash talking to me. So I just give a justice kind of manner and get them a handicap so it be only 3 sailing doing all work while I wait for the cash out. I would easily leave if asked politely in the first place, but it most likly never always going to be that case.

  • As sad as it is, I noticed that the more you have a nice outfit the more the players are respectful and ask you nicely to leave because they are waiting for someone.

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