Turn on friendly fire, turn off weird gravity.

  • I think friendly fire would bring a layer of tactics and strategy to the game that would be fun. We already have friendly fire from explosive barrels. When an ally shoots a cannonball at me while I'm dueling another player, the cannonball should hit both of us! If skeletons with flintlocks shoot at us and another skeleton gets struck by the pellet, that skeleton should take the damage! If someone is swinging their cutlass around wildly it should hit everybody equally!

    I think the gravity in the game is weird too when you get knock back from weapons. It's very un-natural feeling and feels confusing even though I know what it is.

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  • The gravity never really bothered me. It just sort of felt right to me when paired with the art style.

    But I was actually thinking of friendly fire the other day. I can already see why people wouldn't want it but I wouldn't be against it being a thing.

  • The damn sword is the real issue against friendly fire that I have, or at least the collision detection.

    I've hung around other crews in the past, sometimes I might bump into a solo sloop trying to clear a wave of skeletons and Ill pop down to the encounter to help, or on rare occasion maybe I'll (gag) share cough a skull fort, or whatever event might put me shoulder and cutlass alongside another crew.

    Then I swing my blade... only to seem to cleave everything around me, often leading to injury or even the death of those I've partnered with.

    Especially if we're on opposing sides of a skeleton, at that point accidentally hitting someone is even more notable.

    Having this sort of effect apply to every crew I am sailing with, would be annoying.

    Though it might have the side effect of improving collision so we're not able to phase into one another, or make better crews who are more thoughtful of their sword swings!

    I am for a toggle on FF though, or at least some sort of dueling option.

  • @cpt-peach-beard sagte in Turn on friendly fire, turn off weird gravity.:

    I think friendly fire would bring a layer of tactics and strategy to the game that would be fun.

    Yes would be fun to join a crew just to kill the own teamates because of trolling purposes . That already happens much with gunpowder barrels... that a random player joins your crew and uses your own gunpowder barrel to sink your ship.

    That happened to me and our crew already 30 minutes ago...and that at a fort raid.

  • @cpt-peach-beard
    Just imagine : Your 3 player crew on a 4 player galleon finished a fort raid and you are all on the way to a outpost to sell the booty. But behind your ship will follow you a other ship with enemy players on board. Into the next minute you realize that another player joins your crew , and this new teammate start to kill you and drop your anker and maybe let your own gunpowder barrels explode on your own ship . After he did that he leave your crew again and he join again his other crew that would be the crew on the other ship that follow you.

    So let me think about it if i would like friendly fire .NO!

  • This isn't supposed to be a realistic sim, the sword lunge and gravity is totally in line with this game's casual fun focused style. I think Rare needs to focus on bug fixes, balance and the content road map before examining changes to the mechanics of the game.

    Friendly fire is always a mistake in mp videogames. It's just used by trolls.

  • I tend to agree with Lord Sphinktus ^^^

    It was only yesterday that I had accidentally killed an allied player from another crew whilst teamed up at a fort. But he was cool about it knowing that he had ran into my sword swing as I fended off skellies.

    I think that people accept the way it is now and to change it would cause more grief than good.

  • If they did this, if, I would want the viewable area we see you be wider. I think some what talked about it already with collisions, but you don't actually see all of your swords path when you fight. If friendly fire were active I think this would be vital.

    Also, perhaps, the default position of weapons should be down the sights and you hold a button to have it at rest.

    Just thoughts....

  • @lord-sphinktus I like the sword lunge, I'm talking about the weird gravity when you get knocked back by someone's weapon. It feels like i'm a soccer (football for my international friends) ball getting punted.

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