Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • @symbioto I respect your opinion but I think it depends on what you're looking for in a game. I love the game from the fun of sailing, to the exploration of islands to search for random chests aside from those on the quests... the challenge of fighting a storm, the skull forts...the list goes on. Could more content be in the game, yes, and there will be....but for me, even the base game is a ton of fun! I tend to like to grind and experience my games, and this is certainly a game to experience. While I'm sure many people may agree with you, I think many people agree with me as well and genuinely enjoy the game as is, and are excited to see what may be added to a foundation that's pretty solid. :)

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    How so? I can come and disable online matchmaking in about 30 to 45 seconds.... Add a button to menu and that's that. Just be honest, they're not working on it. Nobody likes a liar.

  • CRYING Sovereign items are not at the Shipwright at Ancient or Plunder...

  • Just did a massive grind on OOS and a skull fort sold up all loot and no exp gianed tried to re logg still nothing , not sure where im ment to post this . Thanks

  • @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    How so? I can come and disable online matchmaking in about 30 to 45 seconds.... Add a button to menu and that's that. Just be honest, they're not working on it. Nobody likes a liar.

    You're not a developer, or you'd know that it isn't ever as simple as "add a button".

  • "[PC Only] Half Vsync option now works as intended." Does that mean its disabled? It only shows Vsync On/Off now lol

  • @hntr-green will do thanks 👍🏼

  • @jonathanbak Vsync doesn't even work for me, it doesn't limit my fps to my monitor's refresh rate at all, I get locked at about 50fps.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    I know that i will never get an answer, but if i don't try i will never know. So.... There is an ETA on this? Joe stated that the system was ready for launch but they where not confident on the stability, so i wander way is taking so long, is on the top of the feedback points and for sure the most requested feature on the forum.

    Just to be clear, i'm not complaining, just curious 😉


  • Same thing has happened to me. soooo many skulls and skull fort, no xp at all. still got the gold. is anyone else experiencing this?

  • I disagree with #SkellyOP.
    Skeletons are well skilled, it's wont be necessary to downgrade skeleton accuracy with cannons. :-(
    The game is currently easy (fortunately we have pvp), without challenge it will be boring.

  • @mortarchelle

    I have spent about three weeks nonstop with my friends in this game, it was fun at the beginning, but then you do the same 3 missions all over again and you see 1 type of enemies and there is literally nothing else to do....yes yes we sunk all players ships, we collected tons of chests and animals and yes we cleaned a skull fort a few times...and what - islands are empty, no new missions, enemies, events - nothing!

    Its like The Division at the beginning - they started to add some content, but it was already to late - everybody is gone, Destiny 2 - same, now its SoF turn....

  • @mad-mordechai Did you check display settings / adapter to see if maybe you have the wrong refresh rate on? I've had that happen before

  • @khaleesibot I don't see the imperial sovereign ship customization and i am at the right place. And all the figure heads are the same angler fish

  • Wouldn't it have made sense to start the weekly events today, other than that dope update!

  • I have recently updated my game and now I don’t have any admiral items in the game! What has happened here? This includes the ship Wright, clothing and weaponry.

  • @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    How so? I can come and disable online matchmaking in about 30 to 45 seconds.... Add a button to menu and that's that. Just be honest, they're not working on it.

    Alright add the button, then click on it...

    Any person with minimal developer knowledge will know that it never is just as simple as "Add a button to menu and that's that".

    There comes a lot more to implement something, both front-end and back-end, testing, fixing, testing again. etc..

    Nobody likes a liar.

    Quite funny seeing that coming from you.

  • @jonathanbak It's definitely set to 100hz.

  • @mad-mordechai Ahoy! This latest patch allows you to turn on vsync even with an unlocked frame-rate so you can do this and play without screen-tear to your hearts content!

  • @aarghmaargho are you not aware technology is sentient and all you have to do is tell it what you want and voila!
    Hence the reason games only take a couple of hours to make.

  • @teddy-25 Thanks for replying Ted, I want to ask you why you guys decided to remove the 90FPS lock and replace it with 72 instead of just having both options, 90 worked really well for me with my 100hz ultra wide, although I would like the option for a 100fps lock as well. As now I have to either go 72fps or 120, which introduces some tearing and stuttering for me even with G-sync.

    As for the V-sync part, even with unlocked frame rate it soft locks me to about 50fps unless i look straight up, not sure what's happening there.

  • I prefer that Pistol Skellys got a nerf over Cannon Skellys (would use them to attack a ship that was chasing me) But nonetheless I'm looking forward to logging on today after work and seeing all the new stuff.

  • Hello,
    I love your game. I also love your communications with the community. I am however surprised there has been no mention as to why the draw distance on islands has retrograded over the last few updates. probably 2 updates ago. During the Open Beta, Final Beta and launch I could look at islands at distance and there was no pop in and the islands appeared to have the full detail (spyglass mostly, but sometimes without). It's my biggest pet peeve with the game by far, as it was once seamless, and now it really takes me out of the game when i see blob trees and claymation like objects and landscaping. All my buds are discussing this. we are mostly on Xbox ONE X and some on PC , and we all see this. Was this done on purpose to alleviate other issues? Is it on your radar to solve the issue in further patches? I am really curious as this has taken a huge step back since beta. I really really hope you address the issue.

    Thanks for your time.

    here is an example:

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

    How so? I can come and disable online matchmaking in about 30 to 45 seconds.... Add a button to menu and that's that. Just be honest, they're not working on it.

    Alright add the button, then click on it...

    Any person with minimal developer knowledge will know that it never is just as simple as "Add a button to menu and that's that".

    There comes a lot more to implement something, both front-end and back-end, testing, fixing, testing again. etc..

    Nobody likes a liar.

    Quite funny seeing that coming from you.

    Can you be more specific about what needs to be added? You're just making things up because you didn't like my comment. We're only talking about modifying a menu screen to contain assets that already exist in the game. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. They're likely working off of a template which makes this a copy and paste the only modification being removing the code that allows for online matchmaking. Everything else is already created. Yes I'm sure the initial coding to get matchmaking working was tricky but that was done a long time ago and does not need to be redone. This is a literal copy and paste then removed online matchmaking and go direct to server. This is not something that needs to be tested or worked on assuming competent coders. If you have never seen a menu screen I can teach you how to do this in less than five minutes and you would be at the point you could show others how to do it yourself. Nothing needs to be created for this, as all the assets are already created, available, and working in the game.

    The true answer is it has not yet been deemed as important by the decision makers.

  • Honestly I thought it would be just a new color palet for the same cloths but 8 unique sets is awesome! 👍 this piece of toast is quite satisfied.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    • Merchant Voyages - It is no longer possible to force Merchant voyages to request delivery to a specific outpost. Now you'll have to earn your cheddar.

    The only issue I have with this is that the people that abused it are still keeping their rep, And those of us who haven't yet are now penalized for the already lengthy merchant grind :(

  • Ok I dunno who did what to the skeleton and their ability to fire cannons... But the claims are false they are twice as accurate and the rate of fire is increased... At forts if you are trying to solo fort... good luck getting your ship anchored by fort!
    Just made 25 attempts and got sank every time... I was able to solo forts it was hard enough getting in before...
    Also if you try to anchor just before cannons start shooting and taking out towers well that wont work either after killing them and getting back to your ship, as soon as you get in range the Skeles respawn and when you are close to shore their cannons hit lower on your ship...
    Curious how this will play out with galleons...

  • @khaleesibot So no decent content for may. The one thing you lying sacks of c**p need to focus on. Peace out, this ship has officially sunk.

  • @shrkb8t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    I prefer that Pistol Skellys got a nerf over Cannon Skellys (would use them to attack a ship that was chasing me) But nonetheless I'm looking forward to logging on today after work and seeing all the new stuff.

    I 100% agree there was no reason to nerf cannon skellies they were super easy to deal with and were a perfect deterrent to nudge next to at a skull fort for back up protection. Pistol skellies are the hellspawn, They have better accuracy then John Wick.

  • @khaleesibot so when do we get details on the hungering deep it drops this month we don’t even know when or what we are getting!!!!

  • I believe I'm not getting order of souls rep. I'm a smidge away from 25, turned in a villainous skull, got gold but no rep, is that something that happens, or should I have gotten rep too?

  • @pvt-shifty-ec said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @aarghmaargho are you not aware technology is sentient and all you have to do is tell it what you want and voila!
    Hence the reason games only take a couple of hours to make.

    You're talking about assets and code that is already created, working, and on the game though. Bad comparison. You would have a point if the button/code did not exist for matchmaking, but it does...

  • Aside from my gripe with the skeleton cannon fire claim... I did not try much yet besides just getting anchored at fort which I have given up for now...
    However I did notice some very slick improvements to the feel of several things such as control of ship overall speed of response especially in combat...

  • I am so PUMPED to get off work and play but alas! i have 7 hours left... so i come to the forums to live vicariously through peoples tavern tales.

  • @khaleesibot
    hey there
    Very nice update but we have a Problem. Since the update our rank don't grew at all fractions... Is it known?

121 out of 409