Community Challenge

  • Make friends with the first ship you see. Then post the encounter right here. Its easy to make enemies, but can you make a friend? Savvy

  • 15
  • @aidenjast840 Great idea! Would love to see more friendly encounters.
    This picture one was taken the night after our drunken spew fight with another galleon crew :)

  • @aidenjast840 I always do :) Most of the time other pirates have been nice back. My friend and I even helped 2 other pirates find a treasure chest today lol.

  • i saw two pirate legend today! they just joined our galleon crew , gave us a high tier merchant quest and leave us with it! Feels good to see some friendly pirates :)

  • @drbullhammer said in Community Challenge:

    @stacky-a I see that you, too, are familiar with the SoT Cuddle Puddle.

    Haha! Great screenshots. Every pirate needs a cuddle every now and then :)

  • @aidenjast840 My mate and I have recently helped some solo guy do his quest by fighting skeletons for him. Unfortunately the guy died by either the skeletons or by standing too close beside me whilst I was swinging the cutlass about.
    If it was my fault I do apologize and did so on the night it happened. Both via mic and text chat. He didn't reply.
    He did stay on the island for a few minutes after re-spawning and continued about his quest. He left while I was still counting paces for our quest.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I think that, if we start doing benevolent things like you do, the seas will be more welcoming for beginners, who will probably help others pirate they see in the futur

  • Did this last night, I was solo slooping and came upon a Skull Fort. Galleon approached, so I scuttled with no hope of defending. Turns out they knew I was in the tower outside and instead began talking to me. After a couple of threats, it turned into friendly talk. I went ahead and respawned via Mermaid, came back to help them finish the fort. I got the Stronghold Skull for my cooperativeness, and a Galleon to sail with... the two or three other ships we met however... knew only fear when a Sloop and Galleon fired upon them simultaneously.

  • Don't get me wrong friends there is a time and place for spreading fear across the SoT, but not all the time. Keep the encounters coming and I am also looking for a go to crew for all sorts of shenanigans

  • @stacky-a thanks friend they do happen to me from time to time

  • @hinkadah pirate kittens!! i want one as a pet in game

  • @admiral-rrrsole if he jumped in from of your sword, well.. lol

  • @oblongeel764807 that brings a tear to my eye. well played sir

  • I was taking the ferry Irl. so why not sail the seas while Im sailing the seas.
    Thought that the WiFi would be a problem, but it wasn't.

    But I only had 1 hr. an started at Golden Sands in me sloop, I took a Gold Hoarder Voyage that let me to Salty Sands, where I got one Castaway Chest.

    On my way over there I had spotted a Galleon at Smugglers Bay, I could hear the cannons firing from Salty Sands, I decide to get closer an give them the chest as tributes.

    I landed the ship behind some cliff, they had not spotted me, I took the chest along the beach, while using the "Ahoy" an my own voice.
    I could see them running an firing them self from the ship, an didn't respond to me, so I sad on a rock with the chest, safe from the skelly's, Short all my short at the skelly's an sat an watch them for 5 min killing skelly's
    one or two of them was legend, but so am I, so I find the legend an made friends with him, while one of the other tried sinking my boat (twice)

    I/they sailed them to Sunken Grove cause they where doing Athena Voyage , while we where talking, when we hit Sunken Grove, my Ship Irl, was going to lay port. so said goodbye or au revoir(cause they where French)

    Much Love

14 out of 15