Jornal of Captain Jackson Silvermen (Fan Story, WALL OF TEXT)

  • Day One

    I have decided to keep a recording of what is to come. The past few days have thrown my life down a path that I would of never chose to walk. Hell, I would have ran down any other path but this one. It’s like the captain said to me once, “Fate has a sick sense of humor, and she cares not of your plans.” I truly wish the old salt was still of this world.

    Fifteen days ago my ship The Sirens Call was captured (more like sunk) by the navy fleet while returning from the sea of thieves. We gave those blue bloods a hell of a fight but one galleon stands little chance against a man-o-war and two other galleons. I wish I could say I took many of the blue bloods down before they captured me but that would be a lie. I was coming to the top deck a rouge barrel sent flying knocked me out and when I woke I was in Irons.

    From what I heard the Capin put up one hell of a fight, eve manage to sink the man-o-war before we were boarded. That was the only bit of good news sadly. Once they were on board every pirate gave no quarter and fought to their last. As the searched the ship they found my unconscious hide and decided to take me prisoner, probably hoping to get info on the sea of thieves.
    HA, stupid blue bloods! Just cause I was born there doesn’t mean I know how to sail there

    Truth is very few know the way to the sea, easiest way to keep those water safe. Matter of fact, only a child of one who already knows is allowed to obtain that knowledge. I had the fortune to be born of a simple pirate.

    For seven days I sat in the brig, listening to the whispers of the crew. It would seem that certain parties were looking for pirates from the sea of thieves. They had so much interest in us that apparently they hired the blue bloods to try to bring some us alive.
    Good job on that regard ya blue coat b******s.

    That’s not all I heard through the cracks of wood. Apparently some magic from the seas had found its way back to the “civilized” world. Something called ca-lip-sews heart or something; it was hard to hear down there.

    When we reached port I was sent to only the finest prison cell that was especially reserved for pirates of my caliber. In case the person who is reading this is dull witted, I was being sarcastic. I was shoved into a cramped cell with many other pirates who too were caught by the blue coats. Over the next seven days the cell became…much more open.

    Each day they came for some of us. Whoever was taken never came back to the cell. Sometimes those taken they would put up a fight, some would beg and a few went kicking and screaming. You see, outside the sea of thieves death was final. There was no ferry of the dammed, no ferryman and no second chance at life.
    Death here is final.

    On the seventh day they came for me, for I was the only one left. As the key turned in the lock I made my peace. If I was to die that day, I would die as a man without regret. They threw the irons on me and walked me down the cell corridor. Others in their cell fell silent as I walked pass, out of respect for the dammed. I thought for sure that I would have an appointment with the hang man at the gallows.

    But you see, fate has a twisted sense of humor.

    To my surprise, instead of walking me to the gallows they escorted me to a horse and buggy. After a short buggy ride I was escorted out and ushered into large garden. I will never understand why noble folk love gardens so much. Who the hell needs that many flowers or bushes shape like lions or horses? It is completely pointless!

    I was forcefully pushed down into a chair at a tea table and told to sit still and behave. Like I was gonna try something with four blue bloods armed to the teeth around while I was in chains. I know we pirates are not the most intelligent bunch but we at least have common sense.

    After a few minutes a young noble woman walked into the garden and sat at the table across from me. She introduced herself as Maribelle Ravenclaw and requested that the irons be removed from me. The Blues looked at each other surprised but did what she said. After that she told them they could leave.

    Now your average pirate might have had the thought to flee just them. Make a break for the wilds and find a way back to the sea. I ain’t your average pirate however; I knew no noble would be dumb enough to put themselves into a situation like this without a way to handle it. After a moment of silence she put a fancy flintlock pistol on the table and began to tell me a tale.

    Apparently her mother was once a pirate such as myself. She too sailed the seas in search of treasure and glory. Unlike me she actually acquired both things. Her mother was known as the Silver Banshee of the sea. The banshee did a lot of work for the Order of Souls, so much in fact they taught her some of their secrets. Apparently she could make a fog appear around the ship she was about to attack and let out a screech that could make a man’s blood turn to ice.

    The banshee left the sea of thieves and settled to have a family. It was not hard with the wealth and magical artifacts she had acquired over her career. However she did leave one value thing behind in the sea of thieves. She knew if she brought it with her, someone may acquire it and use it for a nefarious purpose.

    It was an onyx skull capable of controlling the dead, specifically skeletons. Whoever held it would have an army of undead at their command. Such an item could be used to quickly take over the seas. I asked her if he wanted me to find it and bring it to her. To my surprise she said no. She instead wanted me to destroy it.

    If the Order of Souls or the blue coats got their hands on it, it would be bad news for everyone.She told me if I agreed to do this I would be given a full pardon. She would also supply me with a ship and navigator to get back to the sea of thieves. If I refused however, I would have a date with the hangs man’s noose. I pointed out I could lie to her, sail back and not do what she requested. She lean forward and poured herself some more tea and calmly said “You could, but it would not be long before another party finds the skull and purges the sea of your kind.” She paused to take a sip. “How long would you enjoy your freedom before you yourself became one of the dammed?”
    I asked her one final question.

    “What is your stake in all this? Why do you care about this skulls destruction?” She told me it was her mother who made it. If word got out that her mother was a pirate and was part of the Order of Souls she would lose everything she had. I was given a day to contemplate her offer.

    I write this on the eve of accepting the offer. Tomorrow I set sail back home to the sea of thieves. Parts of me want no business in this, it wants to sail far away and not look back. Another part of me however wishes to see this through. Saving the sea of thieves is one way to enter the brotherhood that is pirate legend. A darker part of me wants to gain the power of the skull and rule the sea as I see fit.

    For now I will sail back, what I do on my return is still up in the air. It will be good to return to familiar water. I admit I am a bit worried about my navigator. Lady Ravenclaw has assured me he knows the way even though he has never actually sailed there. I must trust he knows the way and hope for fair weather.
    It what the captain would do in my boots

    Jackson Silvermen,

    Captain of Nothing

    P.S. If I die, please get this back to Maribelle Ravenclaw. It is only fair she gets to know what happen to me and the skull.

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  • Very cool set up. I hope there is more. I wrote a story about sot too.

    Check it out. I'd like the opinion of another writer! I really liked how we don't know what this guy is going to do when he gets the skull. Could be a crazy ride haha. Post more or the blue bloods will get ya! haha

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