Toxic Pirate telling me to "Kill Myself"

  • 19
  • @pepperyturtle45 you may want to remove the user's name and simply report them. Either way, a mod will pop in and remove the name, and if you ask they'll give you a link to report them to.

  • @glacefrostclaw I was hoping that saying something on here, a mod would be able to take it further as I feel Xbox reports get lost as there are many they have to go through. But I understand that posting the name causes problems. I will delete this, thank you.

  • This type of behavior is unacceptable. Use the support feature to report a toxic player. If you have any other witnesses ask them to report the person as well.

  • @xbakedkoalax you need to kindly get off this forum with that toxic behavior. This forum doesn't need yet another jerk insulting people that have legitimate complaints about their experiences.

  • @pepperyturtle45 unfortunately not much else you can do right now except report and try to move on.

  • @xpvtx Thank you.

  • @xbakedkoalax HA I'm no SJW, but I do care about this forum and the people trying to enjoy the game. People like you that go around insulting people who are literally being abused in-game are giving this entire forum a bad reputation and it needs to stop.

  • @glacefrostclaw thank you for the help.

  • well i would like to know how to report as my wife was playing tonight and a crew of 3 said to her that they would tie her up and sexaul assault her and that she deserve every bit of it cause girl gamer should not be aloud to be told this when i got home was heart breaking cause she like to play games for her down time as she has stage 3 cancer and i think that this game should put in private lobbies just so people can controlle there environment that they can play in

  • @pepperyturtle45 you're welcome. the griefing and insulting seriously needs to stop.

  • @xbakedkoalax is just behaving like a civil human being a difficult task?

  • @littledrake26 that is completely unacceptable. Get their usernames if you can, search them on the Xbox app, and there should be a "More" option. Click that and it should give you an option to report them.

  • @littledrake26 there is an option here to send a ticket and report toxic players/behaviour. the page takes a while to load properly.

  • @glacefrostclaw i done all that i just hoping something should be done

  • I'll close this one down as the original post has been deleted.

    Just a reminder to keep language family friendly and respect other pirates' opinions whether or not you agree with what they're saying or the way in which they prefer to play the game.

    Full instructions here on how to report toxic players -

1 out of 19