[Bug] I sold a bunch of loot and didn't get a cent of it.

  • Last night I was playing with my buddy, and we raided a fort. We got a bunch of loot and went to sell it, but to my dismay, I got no money for doing so. It wouldn't be such a big deal, but there was a lot of gold's worth of loot that I sold. Please fix.

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  • Same exact thing happened to myself... I wouldn't be so mad... but its a lot of gold worth of stuff lol

  • Yup, that happened to me last night as well. Haven't been able to play today yet, so I'm not sure if this has been fixed yet or not.

    I'm curious, is selling chests somehow linked to being connected to the servers or not? You would think that such a fundamental feature of the game doesn't work at launch. It doesn't make sense why everything would work except this. Also, same went for selling skulls.

  • @amcgreev said in [Bug] I sold a bunch of loot and didn't get a cent of it.:

    Last night I was playing with my buddy, and we raided a fort. We got a bunch of loot and went to sell it, but to my dismay, I got no money for doing so. It wouldn't be such a big deal, but there was a lot of gold's worth of loot that I sold. Please fix.

    Don't worry it should all come through eventually and you should get credit for everything. They've had problems with the server responses being backed up when turning in voyages. Your requests should still be there and you should receive the rewards eventually.

  • @ginrummyy 100% agree lol, I hope they address this, because I don't want to raid if we don't get credit xD

  • @amcgreev
    Rare has stated that they are working on a solution as we speak so that there aren't anymore bugs of this nature that cause so much destress for the players.

    I would recommend to be patient it will most likely be solved by Sunday at the latest.
    I wish the wind to be in your sails always and waves ever calm.

  • @clintbeastwoodx said in [Bug] I sold a bunch of loot and didn't get a cent of it.:

    @amcgreev said in [Bug] I sold a bunch of loot and didn't get a cent of it.:

    Last night I was playing with my buddy, and we raided a fort. We got a bunch of loot and went to sell it, but to my dismay, I got no money for doing so. It wouldn't be such a big deal, but there was a lot of gold's worth of loot that I sold. Please fix.

    Don't worry it should all come through eventually and you should get credit for everything. They've had problems with the server responses being backed up when turning in voyages. Your requests should still be there and you should receive the rewards eventually.

    To better explain imagine a highway that can only accommodate so much traffic. Launch day there are thousands of people playing and Rare may not have been prepared for the amount causing the highway to be smaller than it needed to be causing a traffic jam. Pretend that when you turn in a quest it's like sending a car to the server along that highway that once it reaches the server has to turn around and come back to your gaming device to update you on your rewards.

  • @killerkan69 yea im short about 15k gold myself. its really frustrating

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