Ahoy from a green swabbie!

  • My brother Snoognz and I run a humble sloop together, we are so green we have yet to name her! He is the Captain and I am but his bumbling First Mate, running the sails and scanning the horizon from the crow’s nest. Through storms and battle we have sailed these last two nights gathering riches before drinking ourselves to sleep by the tavern fire.

    If you see us out in the deep blue yonder know that we are fair ruffians, we never shoot first but we hold our own, killing those who hinder us then sailing away to calmer waters. And what waters they are! We look forward to many more adventures among the waves and the folk we share them with.

    To treasure!

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  • @debaker

    Ahoy there,

    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

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