FPS Locked?

  • My FPS is locked at 72 in game (1440p resolution). Even if i turn the FPS lock option off or to 90/120 it still caps out at 72? Anybody found a fix to this.

    Before people start crying "72 is plenty why you crying meh meh meh". When you get used to 144, 72 looks like 30.

  • 14
  • I haven't seen that. I run the counter and never see it drop below 100 average for me is 120. I'm running maxed out with a Geforce GTX 1070 card.

  • If i lower resolution to 1200p or if i play windowed, the cap comes off and floats around 150. but fullscreen 1440p for some reason stuck at 72. I guess ill just play in lower resolution for now. Also a massive shame this game doesnt support SLI so im stuck with a single 980Ti instead of both.

  • @x99myke Try turning off Vsync and turn of FPS cap in-game if you haven't already.

  • Yeah Vsync and FPS lock both off. In any other resolution it goes as far as it likes. in 1440p its always capped off. Nevermind

  • @x99myke same issue its capped at 72fps no matter the graphical settings and im at 1920x 1080 rez

  • I have this problem too. The game locks at 72FPS ins 1440p and goes beyond in other resolutions.
    I tryed all combinations with V-sync and FPS lock.
    Will there be any fix?

  • Hey

    I just experienced this issue myself, normally running at 120fps cap, it somehow got stuck on 72.

    What fixed this for me was changing from fullscreen to windowed mode, and back.

  • I exactly have same problem.
    7700k @4.6ghz, gtx 1080, 8x2gb 3200mhz ram, the game and windows is installed on ssd.
    My monitor is 1080p,@144hz. I am more than sure my rig can handle more than 72fps but it is almost at 72fps all the time with every settings.(common,cursed,rare,myhtical etc.)
    ---V-sync and FPS cap off in every situation---
    Whenever i choose windowed mode instead of fullscreen, my fps increases to the level that it must be.(110-144fps)
    Also whenever i choose other resolutions (900,720,540p) there is no problem about fps. Everything seems normal
    I have no problem on PUBG,Battlefield1, GTA V and CS GO. I think problem is not my rig, something is capping my fps in this game. I would like to get some help if anyone had and solved this problem. Thanks a lot.

  • @x99myke I have a similar thing happen, 1440p locked at 60hz, however that is also my monitor refresh rate, so it seems to cap at your monitor's refresh rate. TBH without the additional refresh rate there is hardly a purpose to push extra frames.

  • In other games there is the same issue but with an accessable exe-file you can Disable the "fullscreen optimisation" wich in all other games is giving me the same issue. So theres an easy solution but we can't make use of it (Then i can't find the file on my system. It's nowwhere (something i even more can't understand).).

    Hope they fix this stupid issue as fast as possibel then it's nonesense it's like a bad-joke.

  • First world problems. 30 looks like 30.

  • 72fps is half of 144 so that means you have v-sync enabled and fail to achieve 144fps and you fall back to half your monitors fps.

    If you have a nVidia card try setting the v-sync option in the game to off and then change it in the driver settings to either off, fast or adaptive.

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