Longest Shot?

  • Hello guys, look this shot i made yesterday :D Im the gunner not the streamer
    (btw, its in portuguese)

    bonus: Poor captain!
  • 11
  • @rattoto damn man your a marksman with the canon!

  • @marsunstopable said in Longest Shot?:

    @rattoto damn man your a marksman with the canon!

    with a bitty of lucky hahaha

    in the video i said: "I gonna shoot"
    captain said: "No, its too far"
    Me: Trust me, look

  • @rattoto haha, real impressive shot .

  • @rattoto REKT

  • Thanks guys! YARR

    ill miss this game =/

  • @rattoto SWISH!

    Amazing shot. I wish I could shoot like that. I couldn’t hit an island with a beach ball... from the beach.

  • @rattoto Awesome shot! I suck with the cannons. I can't hit an island if we are parked next to it! So, I was fed up in a ship battle one night in Beta...said screw it, one last shot, it was a long one like yours in the video. I fired (solo ship vs solo ship) it hit, knocked the dude off his ship, and his ship went sailing off into the sunset. Guess we all get lucky sometimes!

  • nice shot!

  • Heck of a shot lol

  • lol, that's a great shot. And the captain shot was great too... I've been the victim of the captain shot before and it SUCKS! It won't kill you most of the time, it just blows you off your ship, which is a lot worse in my opinion.

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