Toxic players and the matchmaking community (The brig)

  • So I've been watching a few streamers playing this. I also have played and it's been pretty disheartening to say the least.
    I was watching my favorite streamer, boogie2988, he hasn't had time to watch videos on how to play the game or to watch other streamers to figure out how to play, and the description for solo says "for experienced players", so he joined a session with 4 people to learn how to play. The instant he joined and his screen (finally) loaded, he was locked in the brig. As his 1000+ viewers were watching, his crew just danced and played music around him, laughing at him sitting in the brig. He got bored and needed better content for his viewers so he left and joined another lobby. The same.exact.thing.happened. This happened 2 more times, so he basically showed over 1000 people (most of which weren't aware of sea of thieves or what it was about) how toxic the community is before release and how the game is about being locked in the brig. He was outside exploring for about 5 minutes in his hour long stream.
    This isn't my only example, however. I usually play solo or with my friends when they are online and after seeing that stream last night I figured I'd try matchmaking for a 4 person ship. What happened was exactly what I feared. I joined a game in the middle of a voyage and about a minute later I got a white screen, and you know where this is going... I left the white screen just to be sitting in the brig. I have not seen one matchmaking go well unless playing with at least one friend. This seriously needs to be fixed. (on a side note, loading times for pc need to be improved...Xbox is faster, which makes no sense)
    Thanks for reading if you made it to the end!

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  • This is a tough one - the brig is probably useful if you have a bad apple on your crew (mucking up the sails, shooting off all your cannonballs, trying to scuttle the ship with gunpowder barrels) since we don't have a way to kick people off the ship as best I can tell, but I hopped into about 10 pick-up games and wound up in the brig for 4 of 'em (another 3 the crews all disappeared, 2 we managed to complete a couple of voyages, and one we sank with all our treasure).

    I wouldn't call the community "toxic" (I'd say "immature" is a good fit), but it's certainly not fun to be in the brig 10 seconds into the game, particularly when it means a 2+ minute load screen when you have to switch crews & get out.

  • @voretaq7
    Agreed.... I kept getting locked in the brig on arrival; 3/5 of my last games. this is a new occurrence today. Has not happened until today. Also 1/5 of the 5 games I ran into a group of 3 who upon my arrival intentionally sailed into a rock, then proceeded to explode a powder keg. Exclaimed "we got him lets get another one" and then proceeded to quit to get another one (i assume).

    I feel the brig at least need some sort of safe guard where it cannot be used immediately.

  • @myxsw33txshad0w

    My 1st question. Do you guys not have friends?
    My 2nd question. Have you ever played a Co- op game on the xbox?

    There are rude people no matter where you go. last night we had a 3 man team and a 4th joined us. blazing music in his mic. when asked to stop. he started to make random nosie and called me a F**. So in the brig he went. after sitting their for an hour he sent us a text. I am sorry . ( i dont know why he never left our team) So we let him out. he ran up and started throwing our chest into the sea. so into the brig. he sat in our brig for over 3hours.

    My point is that it is the internet as whole that is Rude. not this game. If you want to play a Co-op game you should really looking into finding friends to play with. Out of the many times i have played with 2 other friends on this beta, we have only had 3 other random people not be a d**k.

    Only other idea is to go solo.

  • @yuckiesnow This is just condescending. What if he hasn't got any friends that play this game? He should still be able to play it.. The problem is that the solo mode is broken. I got ganked after 10-20 by a larger crew twice. I only got to explore one wreckage before I quit the game in frustration. The times I tried to join a random crew they tossed me in the brig right away. I got friends that play the game but they aren't always online when I am. Why even include a solo mode if its pretty much broken? Or rather RNG based as some go about and doesn't encounter ships with bigger crews.

  • This exact same thing has happened to me! Also spawned on a ship being attacked and was spawn killed for 10-15 min before leaving. Very toxic so far.

  • @myxsw33txshad0w The issue and reason this is happening is because there is no way to lock your crew or start with 3 and only keep 3.

    If they introduced another ship for 3 people, problem solved. Or made it to where you can lock out other ppl from joining.

    I'm playing with 2 friends right now (so 3 ppl) and I do not want a 4th stranger on our crew... so we lock them in the brig until they leave. But we only do this if they start talking a bunch, don't get me wrong communications great, but we are talking in discord and know each other locally....

  • @ziljon
    there is nothing condescending by any means. What is condescending is the fact that you think this game is Toxic. when it is the internet that is. If you have every played an online game with other random people, you would know for a fact that there are toxic players in every game. You or anyone picking the big ship as a solo person. should understand that you have a higher odds of being put in the brig. it is 3 to 1.

    There for find some friends or better yet, he is a streamer. Ask people in the stream to join you. People eat this up on stream. Stop looking at the world as a box. there are billions of people in the world. with 100,000 of different ways of doing things.

    1. ask others on stream to join you.
    2. post a thread looking for other people to join you.
    3. look for a post, need more people.
    4. join a discord

    Look out side the box. find another way to meet and play with people.
    If you don' want to find other people and you don't have friends. And you just want to hit the the build ship as a solo person. well i don't know what to tell you. other then GL.

  • @sublimation7 How is it different if they talk? You shouldn't hear them anyway. The brig isn't there so you can ruin the fun for someone else just because you can't play nice. How does it lessen your experience if you just let someone else tag along?

  • @yuckiesnow Jees, there is a lot of toxic people in gaming? No s**t Sherlock. That doesn't change the fact that if the community is toxic the game is toxic. It's that simple. It's even Rares fault for making solo broken, not being able to lock crew at 3 people and not to have a safe zone where u can go solo to find people like minded to form a crew. Every person out there doesn't have a lot of friends or maybe their friends doesn't share their gaming hobby. Aren't they suppose to play this game then? That point is why I said your post was condescending..

  • @lonegoatknifer

    Lol, reread the post a few times.

    Picture you and 2 friends that you know locally want to play Sea of Thieves together, but don't want a 4th person.

    Well, I would love to limit my crew to 3, but this isn't possible, I would also love to choose a 3 person ship, but this also isn't possible.

    I guess I could just mute them if they talk a lot, but if I were in their shoes I'd rather be brigged and find a new game, or better yet reach out to other players and form a party than be muted and ignored...

    But just now we ran with a 4th and he was a nice fit, silent and filled in where needed lol.

    Or is it cruel of me to want to have a quality, uninterrupted, coordinated playing experience with 2 of my friends?


    What does any of my logic have to do with being mean or playing nice? It's very simple.

  • You know what, they will probably just wind up adding a Solo queue option if enough people complain, which would be fine. Another option is to have incredibly smart matchmaking. However, this would still not solve the issue for people only wanting 3 in their crew, don't forget to look from the opposite perspective as well.

    But to people expecting this game to be instant gratification you may be playing the wrong game... Have some patience, do a little planning and you will be rewarded.

  • @sublimation7 I did read your post. I would love to have 3 person ships, so it doesn't have to be an issue.

    You do realize you're not doing the person a favor by locking them in the brig, right? If someone doesn't like playing with you because they are muted and ignored, they will leave on their own, but by locking them in the brig you take away the choice of being that silent and helping hand. You should only lock someone in the brig because they are being a problem (just being there doesn't make them a problem).

    I get just wanting to play with some friends, but, as the game is, you don't have a choice as long as you only want to play with three friends.

  • I agree on this. Something should be changed about the locking in a cage thing.
    But what about the matchmaking itself. If you would be in a team with gamers that think and want to do things that you like it would be a far more interesting and fun game experience.
    I think that there should be an option at the start of the game that would ask you like: " what do you feel like doing today?" and there should be multiple options like "treasure hunting","pirate hunting","skeleton killing" and stuff like this so the computer can match you with players that want to do the same things as you.
    That idea would work even with your passion for ship battles or playing the objective. If the computer would know what type of player you are it could match you whit the same type of players making your game a better experience.

  • @sublimation7 said in Toxic players and the matchmaking community (The brig):

    @myxsw33txshad0w The issue and reason this is happening is because there is no way to lock your crew or start with 3 and only keep 3.

    If they introduced another ship for 3 people, problem solved. Or made it to where you can lock out other ppl from joining.

    I'm playing with 2 friends right now (so 3 ppl) and I do not want a 4th stranger on our crew... so we lock them in the brig until they leave. But we only do this if they start talking a bunch, don't get me wrong communications great, but we are talking in discord and know each other locally....

    I agree that not being able to lock the crew is a pretty big issue. However, this is a d*** move. Turn your mic on and communicate. Say that you aren't interested in having a conversation but if they pull their weight they can stay. You may find an extremely useful crew mate...
    It's a community game. Don't ruin the community aspect before it even releases.

  • anddddd half of those people you lock come to the forums and talk about a toxic community. Have you ever thought of queuing as a 2man ship and your buddy as a solo and then either following you around or just hanging out on your ship? if he/she dies they respawn and meet back up with you since you're all talking in discord it shouldn't be that difficult...

  • @ziljon add me on xb DVSUte, only halfwits ever go our cage. Were just after chests & laughs, we tried the friendly no shoot policy never works sadly.

  • I haven't played long but I've had some good luck with random matchmaking. There are always going to be trolls, just keep trying, there are good fun players in game. Personally I'll play with anyone as long as it's fun, and save the brig for close friends, or real s**m.

  • This is anoying when it happens and has been common topic of discussion on the forums. I believe one of the devs did say they are workingon systems to help combat this issue.

  • how is it sssible not to have a few minutes to watch a stream before playing? ^^
    But maybe u shpuld keep in mind that the game is not offivcialy released and u always have to deal with some asssholes xd

  • I'm currently locked in the brig and I've been here for 45 minutes. The two players who apparently want to two-man the four-player ship never said a word to me, and locked me in before I was even loaded into the game.

    I'm refusing to disconnect out of protest to Rare, and my Netflix queue is LOOOOONG.

  • Yep had this happen as well. This kind of behavior during an open beta wouldn't concern me as much. You'd think the people playing right now wouldn't be so terrible to each other.

  • @sublimation7 Thats just perpetuating the toxicity, the player youre locking into the brig has zero idea what theyve done. Youve thrown them in there without communication because you dont want them. So you make think theyre ruining your experience but youve totally trashed theres as a solo player. You at the least should say you wont be communicating and they'd probably be better off finding a new crew. You are literally the person OP is complaining about.

    Also why discord? Some of the most entertaining stuff about this game is proximity chat.

    In the entire beta session thus far ive yet to experience this, I brigged someone for going afk on the ferry of the damned as that is a pain in the butt. I jump around crews quit alot until my teammates join up, if theyre completely new Ill stick around, give some tips, if I come across old alpha players etc Ill move on leave them to it and hope they pick up a new player to show them the ropes.

    Also this advice is being shared atm. With the beta and this seemingly happening often its very likely Rare will be tweaking this before launch.

    @katttruewalker said in Brig Vote feedback:

    @bloodymenopause Some good advice posted here by another community member -

    @ghroznak said in Griefing with the brig...:

    @x-shadowfixer-x Solution is fairly simple.

    Open your menu and go to My Crew.
    Select the people and "View Gamer Card"
    Choose "BLOCK"

    Once they are blocked they will not be matched with you anymore (ever). At least not if the Xbox/Microsoft and Sea of Thieves matchingmaking is working properly. If they keep doing this enough, and enough people block them, then eventually they will start having a much harder time getting matched with randoms.

    I had same as you. Joined a crew, they were at an island doing a riddle-quest. I found a random Marauder chest and brought to the ship... then I got voted into brig. No mics, no reason, nothing... just plain old trolling/griefing.

    So I went to Gamer Cards, blocked all 3 of them, minimized the game, turned on an episode of Black Sails and watched that until we reached an outpost to cash in... then I left right after they delivered the chests.

    If they want to troll for no reason, then I block for no reason and remain AFK doing other things (plenty stuff to do anyways) until they reach an outpost while having to sail around with -1 man on deck.

  • @dvsute Thanks for the offer mate, can't play right now thoug. I'm having a game breaking bug with the mouse not being locked to the game.. T_T Cheers

  • @not-fuzzy Same here lad. I am enjoying my first brig session and preparing food. I will watch a movie in a minute. I told them before i went AFK that i could do this all day, and that i will get a piece of the cake when they bring back the treasures that they found. Just went back and the crew seam to refuse to bring back the treasures because they know i will get a part of that :) FeelsGoodMan

  • I was wondering if going into the players Gamertag and blocking them would stop matchmaking putting you with them again. Eventually they would have noone to play with. And you wouldn't have to worry about getting pumped with them again.

  • So, the people locked in a cage didn't leave the server..... what a twist!!!

  • @voretaq7 In my opinion, if you do not like Toxic players, go play solo. You are not forced to interact with people. Todays meaning of toxicity means basically "If you don't treat me nice, you're toxic.".

  • its been said many times that the devs are exploring options to stop the brig abuse, yes there are some bad eggs out there but just reque find a decent crew of players and make friends with them for later play, i play with a regular crew formed from multiple different play sessions and dont have to deal with this because i took the time to make some friends.

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