Ship styles

  • How in depth is the customization going to be are we going to be able to change the entire ship type without sacrificing equality, or are we just going to be able to change colors, sails, and things of that nature.

  • 6
  • Currently theie are only 2 styles of ships the sloop and the galleon. What features of customization and how many different ships we can have is still to be determined.

    Let’s just wait and see what happens

  • @johnny-boy-1120, they have stated that customization is definitely going to happen, but that they also want all players to have a fair chance at success. The customization and progression of both character and ships are lateral, or horizontal, rather than vertical. So basically, all aesthetic changes, and nothing that gives players an advantage over less experienced players. Experience is really the deciding factor over who wins a battle, not who can buy the best equipment.

  • @lucky-capt-jack I personally like that way Better, only cosmetic customization so you can make it your own, but you still need to plan it out with your crew and communicate to win the battle.

  • I guess that we'll have to wait and see :) I don't think that any official information about ship customization are out.

  • @fignnus sadly your right
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