Fish spawn rate changes

  • Have u noticed any chnages in fish spawn rate?
    I have been fishing from time to time for last half of the year.
    It used to be that the fish type correspondig to the bait was dominat when spawning.
    Nowdays no matter where i am fishing, using no matter which bait it spawns 50-70% splashtails.
    Yesterday when i was trying to catch blackcould wrecker i have seen just 1 fish, other dozen of fishes were sth else. Normaly i was able to catch 3-4 blackcloud wreckers per 1 wreck.

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  • Sounds like a bug.
    I havnt noticed a change and I tend to catch what I’m looking for.

    Now the other loot? Old hat, skeleton, boot and etc. those I havnt been able to catch for….2 years I say

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