I need a crew ps5

  • Looking to join on a crew, I have a mic

  • 5
  • Hey there! I have a large all PS5 group with 70+ members and 3 guilds all above level 200 if you're interested in filling one of the last spots. Our only requirements are that you're 18+ and contribute your fair share towards the guild!

  • @drdingle174146 I'm only 16 so.....

  • @aloneleopard901 hello, I am with the Royal British Navy of SoT. We are based off the Royal British Navy of the 1800's we are currently at 450+ members from all over the world and from all the platforms as well. We offer a new play style and unique experience, 0% toxicity. We'd be happy to have you on board with us.

    If you are interested add me on discord - gamerx.in (this is not a link)

4 out of 5