Guilded voyages dissapeared

  • So me and my friends did my 4 guilded voyages. Then we did another friend (his name is jon) we did jons athenas and gold hoarders voyages. But then we logged on today and jons souls and merchants voyages are gone even though he didnt do them. Why?

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  • Someone once mentioned that sometimes it glitches or bugs out so you have to either keep clicking on the table to open it up then exit/back out of reload the game or session. Not sure if this helps but that's all I got

  • My friend placed a guilded voyage and we tried diving to it a few times but kept respawning at the port. So we tried to cancel and restart the voyage with a fall back option of sailing to it, but it vanished and he lost it.

    Also I had an issue where the voyages did not appear in my inventory. Then all of a sudden they did!

    Did it end up being lost or reappearing?

  • Last night I finished Gilded Athena's, Gilded GH, and Gilded Merchant Alliance... now when I go to limited voyages it says i have none available? Where did my order of souls one go? It was never even put down on the map table. I logged in just now thinking maybe it was a bug and went to map table and same thing. Missing Gilded OOS quest.. What gives?

  • Someone might have set the end date incorrectly on these voyages if they are disappearing a day early.

  • yesterday they were missing for me and then like an hour later they were there again so it must be some sort of loading or visual bug.

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