Suggestion: Bring back lowest level Arena weapons for those of us who obtained their higher levels

  • Before Season 11, when you bought equipment like a Gold Hoarder Shovel, you leveled up and bought a higher level shovel, the higher level shovel replaced the one you bought first, just like in the Arena when you bought the Blunderbuss and the cutlass, but now, after season 11, when you buy a gold hoarder shovel, you don't replace the one you already had, instead you keep it as if it were other equipment. I suggest that players who got the Notorious Sea Dog Cutlass and the Legendary Sea Dog Blunderbuss (Or lowest level weapons than those) have the lower level weapons as if they were a different weapon.

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  • Ahoy!

    The decisions around The Arena, its cosmetics, commendations, and achievements have been made and are final.

    Arena cosmetics, commendations and achievements were made for The Arena and will be retired alongside it. There are no plans to change this.

    Dropping anchor here.

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