Why is diving to PVE locked during hourglass?

  • Has RARE talked about why we can’t dive to PVE while faction aligned? I haven’t been on the message boards for a while. It seems to me, to be very limiting. We are less inclined to hour glass because then we feel stuck. Because on Australian servers, there’s so few people in hourglass that it’s not a practical way of changing servers on its own…. Basically there’s almost no playerbase in your glass.

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  • @mostexpendable ideally we would like to raise hour glass and enjoy passive play of doing pve. And waiting for people to dive in on us for battle. But this weird stipulation feels severely limiting.

  • Voting hourglass puts you in defence mode for invaders, I would guess that it can't matchmake an invader while you're moving servers too.

  • It's probably because if you're not diving to a fight, you've basically opened an invitation to your server for some one who is diving to a fight. If you dive while that invitation is still open it could cause problems to people in hg dive ques

  • Because the only way to gain treasure value for your defence win is to stack treasure on your ship until a fight happens. And since you lose your treasure when you dive, you’d also lose the treasure value every time you dove.

  • If Rare allows us to dive while keeping our emi rank & streak, they should let us dive while passive, keep the rank & streak, but lose any treasure & treasure grade bonus.

  • If you are sailing around active, the intent is to get treasure grade. Which you will not be able to do if you are diving to and from islands.

    Also if you are trying to get a battle, diving to a new server is gonna mess up the queue system.

  • This suggestion takes a bit out of the risk factor if allowed to dive while having hourglass active. Removes the open sea sailing which is pretty much required in order to be invaded by another crew. Less time in open waters means lower chance of being invaded. And if the dive takes them to a new server instance, they have likely further decreased the chances of an encounter. Short of it, this suggestion would do nothing to fix what the OP thinks and in fact would have the opposite effect more than likely, making it less likely or more time that they'd be invaded by diving and server hopping.

  • Because you could dive to get away from the fight.

  • Likely a conflict of systems. Imagine if you vote for a dive to a quest, and as you start diving some one starts emerging to find no one.

  • @reverend-toast yeah, but sometimes I’ve finished selling. And want to dive the next destination without selling. It’s a shame it’s so limited.
    I take your point though.
    And I feel like maybe it’s a system limitation.

  • @mostexpendable Its intentional because of how matchmaking works. If you are constantly diving location to location, matchmaking is going to insanely weird to compute, since it needs to not only assign you a server, but then it will need to also figure out if the person they are trying to invade you can also go to that server.

    Since the intent of the "passive" mode is to collect treasure, to build up your treasure grade which is a multiplier for wins/hourglass turn in, if you are just collecting treasure and selling it without turning in the treasure grade then you also aren't doing what the mode is intended for.

    Yes, it could definitely be better, and I have a strong feeling there will be HG reworks in the future, I honestly think the longer you have HG Active, flagging yourself to be invaded, should build up some sort of value so it isn't just based off of Treasure Grade... so the longer you survive. It is basically turning on a "Rogue Like" mode as in your ship has one life, should be rewarded. (NOTE: This time value probably won't go up if another ship is within 2 squares of you... that way people can't cheese it)

    But diving really defeats the purpose of what passive mode is going for.

10 out of 12