Leveling Ship Milestones

  • Hey!
    So I'm currently trying to level my "The Rogue" Ship Milestone to 30 so I get those ship banners. For that - as you may know - you need to sit, sleep, play shanties and drink grogs on your ship. That's all fine but I have one question:
    Is it correct that only the progress of the ship captain (me) counts? Yesterday I was sailing with a friend and we both drank a couple of grogs - but only when I drank them, the progress for "Grogs Poured Aboard" increased. I understand that this is the case for the Pirate Milestones, since they are tied to your personal pirate - but the Ship Milestones? Shouldn't they count what every crew member is doing? Or am I missing something?
    And yes: We were sailing on the ship in question, that I want to reach level 30 with.

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  • I never watched mine that closely to notice any going missing. I also usually solo. It should count each person pouring a grog for the ship, but only you for pirate.

    Maybe send support a bug ticket if it's repeatable.

    I will suggest...in the meantime...one of you drink, one of you cook, play or sleep. Grogs consumed in the Pirate's Life portal won't get you drunk so you can spam grogs harder there too btw.

    Drink enough to start vomiting then go to sleep. Your friend will get am interesting show lol

    I wanted a food and booze ship so I got my Rouge by drinking a grog, throw meat in the pan, then play music until the drunk effect stops and your meat should be done 😋

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