Flourishing Wild Rose Ship Cosmetics - Changing colour depending on the time of day

  • I was really excited to get the new Flourishing Wild Rose ship cosmetics, I thought the the hull, cannons, wheel and capstan looked beautiful!

    But, after spending 800k+ and equipping the cosmetics at night, admiring them as best I could with the low light and how they actually went quite nicely with my Serpents Lie sails, during the in-game day my opinion has quickly shifted.

    Just like the Valiant Corsair (Oreo) hull seems to do, the colours on the FWR cosmetics seem to change depending on the lighting in-game, so in the mornings and evenings the blue becomes more of a turquoise/greenish colour, which unfortunately looks really horrible compared with the blue/purple of the sails.

    I've not noticed this with most of the ship cosmetics... most seem to retain their colour regardless of the time in-game - for example I normally just use the Legendary hull because it's the closest I've found to go with the Serpents Lie sails, and the colour on that hull is always the dark purple it shows as in the menus.

    Is this intentional with some cosmetics, that they react to the sunrise / sunset and change colour accordingly? If so, it's really frustrating to find a cosmetic that matches nicely when looking at it in the menu, but only actually looks that colour at very specific times of the day!

    ...or maybe it's just my weary eyes!

    Interesting if anyone else has noticed this from any other cosmetics other than the Flourishing Wild Rose and the Valiant Corsair sets?

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  • It happens a lot in videogames, not just Sea of Thieves, because when we view them our brains don't compensate for lighting conditions like they do in real life. It used to bug me a lot in RPGs when your character looks completely different in-game compared to the character creator.

    You'll notice this with photos and video as well where pictures of the same thing may not match. This is why professionally they are often "graded" so they appear more consistent.

    This can be done in videogames too, but it's much harder when you have dynamic time of day and different lighting conditions in different regions.

  • @realstyli appreciate the response, I guess one of the trade-offs for the absolutely beautiful scenery in Sea of Thieves and the dynamic lighting, is this kind of thing!

    I only know of a few shipsets that seem to be very affected by the time of day, and in some ways it makes them better I guess as they are more realistic in the way they adjust to the light.

    One day I'll find a hull to go with the Serpents Lie sails... but today was not that day!

  • @caseyjones77

    Personally, I use the Imperial Sovereign hull

  • @realstyli yep I've just changed over to this and it's about as good a match for Serpents Lie as any other.

    Current ship set is

    Serpents Lie Sails
    Imperial Sovereign Hull
    Kings Ransom Collectors Figurehead
    Golden Sailor Capstan
    Golden Sailor Wheel
    Rogue Sea Dog Cannons

    It looks quite nice, and the Gilded Sovereigns Hull works too, the purple is a bit too much compared to the sails but the gold on the hull is so nice!

2 out of 5