Boarders, what is your food loadout?

  • I personally belive good food supports effective boarding but sometimes too much is not nessisary.

    Im sure we've all had "that pirate" who eats 5 whole pineapples while trying to drop your anchor and ends up falling off your boat with an empty inventory.

    Since good food like Pineapples, Mangos and Meat can be easily obtained do you; The Dedicated Boarder have as a favorite go to food loadout you grab before you put yourself upon an enemy vessel?

  • 5
  • meat is great you can get shot then get that slight autofill after that can save you from being killed on next hit sometimes, but i dont think anybody really goes for food to board its just good food even mangos can do but if there pineapples 100%Taking theres no reason not too because you keep them no matter the outcome

  • @vaughnsot ham with a grog or 8

  • Since meat and pineapples give 2 heals (and overheal for meat) why are you asking?

  • I usually pre-load my regen bar with some meat then load up with Pomegranates or better. I don't usually target Pineapples as I am not the main boarder

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