Axe tool repair/destroy plank ship risk and reward 2 features for new tool

  • "Axes" this would controversial but insteresting when you press to repair with a plank and then the plank is fixed on your ship you can press another time if you want to destroy the plank with the same amount of time of the size of the hole would be intersting if you have no holes with planks you can't use it and would decreased the toxic spawn kill because you can do to your ship and the others, of course would work to mast , anchor and the wheel too ( same time as repair ). maybe it's would be too much for some players but i think there's something to dig in this idea but it's just a proposition for more sandbox choices if something like this happens we need a counter risk reward like you can repair faster with another crewmate to get a really risk reward to do it ( destroy the plank) and come back in action ( repairing faster with another player ).

    • you can now repair your ship holes,mast,wheel and anchor faster with one other crewmate from your ship or others. the amount of time depends of the size of the hole you repair with your friend.
    • you can now destroy a plank you placed or already placed by any player with a new animation that destroy the plank with the same time of the size of the hole of a plank placed by one player. this mechanic is limited by one player only.
    • Due to the risk reward some balances changed would come with it like stability of ranged to repair/destroy the plank.
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    • also comes changes like can't by do it to solo players or abusing repair /destroy plank animation cooldown from other crews on enemy ship would seems to be fixed
  • Nah, I have to disagree with this idea.

    1. Being able to repair quicker upsets the balance of the entire game.
    2. Being able to remove your own planks makes no sense when you can just scuttle if you want to sink.
    3. Being able to board and ship and remove planks is OP.
    4. Being able to actively sink another's ship via removing planks is also OP. Boarders can hinder ships, and prevent repairs, but can't actively sink them.
    5. There are no equipable weapons (Swords, pistols, blunderbuss, eye of reach) that can damage ships/remove repairs. The only way to 'remove' a plank is to re-damage the ship, and that is done by firing a cannonball at it.
  • @baronfuneste ok removing planks would be fun but if your just getting spawn killed over and over you can Scuttle which will be fasts because of their spawn killing you you will probably not have a chance at taking a plank out but I like the idea of boarding hiding aboard below and when no one is around start removing boards also new weapons would be nice I want daggers/throwing Knives
    they would
    •strike faster than the Cutlass but take 10 hits to down a pirate(player)
    •they can be thrown for higher dmg lets say 3 to down a pirate and like gun ammo you can only carry 5
    •no blocking as that would be the "Ready to Throw" button
    ....I like the idea of crew mates working together to finish patching faster tho it should be capped at two per patch due to the lowest number of MAX crew size is two

  • @guildar9194

    it was just an idea it's ok to disagree but one thing i disagree also with you is this...

    Being able to repair quicker upsets the balance of the entire game.

    not really much if you about to repair faster when is calm during a fight before coming back it would be quality of life timing ( i know that would be difficult during intenses fights to repair with two crewmates but far of fight would be a save of time) looks like this to a quality of life to come back in fight faster

  • @guildar9194

    1. Being able to board and ship and remove planks is OP.

    As long as there's appropriate risk/reward to using the tool to do those tasks, I think it'd be fine. Figuring out what the appropriate "risk" component is to that tool would be a challenge....but I think I have an interesting idea on how to make that work below.

    1. Being able to actively sink another's ship via removing planks is also OP. Boarders can hinder ships, and prevent repairs, but can't actively sink them.
    2. There are no equipable weapons (Swords, pistols, blunderbuss, eye of reach) that can damage ships/remove repairs. The only way to 'remove' a plank is to re-damage the ship, and that is done by firing a cannonball at it.

    Not entirely accurate. The number of times I've sunk ships with firebombs only is quite high.


    Risk/Reward idea for the Axe:


    • Axe can be used for boarding
    • Axe can be used for damaging ships - Takes the amount of time to damage a ship that is equal to repairing a T3 hole. Causes a T2 hole.
    • Axe can be used for melee combat - Damages at 25 health. Does not have a block function, lunge function, or a combo mechanic. Cooldown between swings would need to be equal to (or greater than) a single sword swing without a combo.


    • Axe replaces the sword in your loadout.
    • Axe can only be equipped/unequipped from your own ship's armory.
  • @baronfuneste Big no to me, for three reasons:

    1. This would make having a captained ship a great disadvantage during fights, since captained ships when sunk will have planks over every hole, while non-captained ships respawn with pristine ships. Since you already paid a lot of gold to own a captained ship, it would be weird to then have this penalty of owning one...

    2. This would make solo slooping even more unbalanced, since other crews can now repair a tier-3 hole faster then you can. Solo slooping needs to get more balanced in my opinion, not be made less viable.

    3. People are already complaining that it can be to easy to outrepair the damage that other can inflict during a fight and that fights therefore can last for way to long (especially in hourglass you hear this complaint). This would only make that problem bigger and can lead to more fights ending in a stalemate because crews ran out of cannonballs before they could sink the other.

  • @super87ghost
    understandable it was just an idea that can be changed further ( solo sloop will be always be unbalanced with bigger crews infront XD )

  • @sweetsandman
    really nice ideas i like them , more ideas we get more , more stable the proposition will stable to see what is good or wrong ;)

  • I only agree with three conditions, only being able to remove boards from small holes, the ax being a weapon and not a tool (to prevent doublegun from spawnkilling using this), not being able to do this on the ship itself.

  • Could work but I think it should be placed in one of the two weapon slots not as an equipment slot.

  • I disagree completely with the idea that any boarder can cause active damage to sink a ship while on board it other than setting it on fire.

    Boarding is already too often the meta without giving the invading crew the OP ability to do active damage to the ship hull directly (rather than DoT with firebombs which take an ungodly amount of time to sprout holes without you also being on board to actively hinder putting out the flames or steering them into the closest rock).

    It's more or less balanced as well as it can be right now. Leave it be.

  • @guildar9194 no because if it takes the same amount of time to remove a plank as it does to put a plank up it would be fine because your on another ship in an animation where you can't defend your self it's has some high risk

  • @baronfuneste

    Generally against anything that encourages the boarding meta and spawn camping.

    You will increase spawn camping since a boarder can damage a damaged ship.

    I don't think I need to explain how this encourages the boarding meta.

    Also, what benefit does it give pve?

    Weapon balance gets salty enough. Aaaa nerf blunderbuss! My axelord died!!!!!

  • @baronfuneste, I love the idea. My take: what if you could find a non-slot axe in the world (similar to a trident) that could damage ships in a manual way when boarded? Perhaps wheel or mast only if hull is too much. Hacking away at someone's helm for bit to damage it would be interesting and sneaky.

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