Turn off Text-To-Speech (PC)

  • Please, someone help me out. I swear Ive turned it off but I keep hearing other players when they text chat. I hate this, but I cant find a simple step by step to turn this off. Its driving me nuts. Its odd because its not all players either. Please, I need an idiots guide here.

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  • @twitch-xk90 the only way is to mute other players, the thing is if they have it turned on, in the background the TTS engine injects that audio as if it where coming from the players microphone. Sea of thieves is not able to detect that being different from regular speech.

  • @callmebackdraft So basically, if I turn off the option, I still have to put up with it if the other player has it enabled. Thats dumb.

  • @twitch-xk90 yeah its the way the microsoft system basically makes sure that all games are able to just use their system instead pf each having to rely on some weird audio injection.

    Just inject it into the microphone input for said player and hey presto it gets output to the game

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