Xbox servers lavenderbeard problem

  • Hey guys maybe it’s not the correct area but can anyone tell me what is going on with Xbox servers going lavenderbeard??? Please it’s been all night like that people say in fb it’s an update but I thought that was tomorrow

  • 10
    questionxbox one
  • There’s a tweet about it, they are trying to fix it.

  • I've been chilling on a server throughout the issues and have merged like 6 times and have seen 1 boat and no real pve activity going on.

    Y'all aren't missing much while people are having issues lol

    been an epic banjo sesh tho

  • @abjectarity sweet any where I can see that tweet to understand the problem?

  • @wolfmanbush omg I wish I was on that’s my favorite servers the empty ones cause I’m bad at PvP I just love pve side just think the safer seas are going to be lame they’re trying to put it for babies not like they should do but anyway 😂😂 at least your on the game bro get some legends of the veil for me 😂😂😂😂

  • Its more than just xbox, just gotta give them time and they should be up again.

  • @goldsmen so it’s not only in Xbox ? Is it for an update ? Or they’re just down ? I mean anyway it’s sad I had to watch life in peace’s because of that 😂😂😂

  • @juju4life3004 said in Xbox servers lavenderbeard problem:

    @goldsmen so it’s not only in Xbox ? Is it for an update ? Or they’re just down ? I mean anyway it’s sad I had to watch life in peace’s because of that 😂😂😂

    Its not from an update as far as i know, some people are still able to get on, just not everyone. Odds are the servers are just having some sort of issue right now.

  • I don’t think it’s related to the update. I think it’s a Microsoft servers issue. It’s impacting cloud gaming and maintaining account settings too.

    I was able to play without issues, but I know people here, Reddit and discord have mentioned the issues.

    This is what they said on discord about 4 hours ago

    We are aware that servers may be disrupted for some players. We are alerting the team and investigating. Please note that the issue seems to be intermittent and is not affecting all players.

  • MS is having issues. It's not update time yet...

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