Are there still signs of peace between pirates?

  • I haven't played in a while, but the first week people sort of agreed that cannons raised towards the sky meant you didn't care to engage in PvP.

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  • There are signs, but many players today dont know about the cannons up thing, some do however. So your best bet is white flag and launching a white flair if others get close. But as with early sot, people can still ignore your signals if they choose, so always be weary.

  • It's all personal preference really as there are no obligations so it's kind of just people doing the best they can in the situation and hoping for the best

    I like white flares and I really don't like cannons up for anyone but that's just my personality. I personally feel cannons up is people leaving themselves too vulnerable in the situation.

    People have the freedom to not fight and the freedom to sink without a fight but to me I feel like cannons up is more of giving up without any willingness or chance to defend oneself than truly changing outcome an encounter. People are free to do it but I don't recommend it.

  • Still cannons up...when I remember it. I also like loading purple curseballs (peace balls if I get lucky enough) because of the cool purple Flames.

    Since flares and fireworks a white flair is the "we're chill", yes or come help red is stay away or no.

    Flares are the message of choice now...but ymmv...and you'll likely be sunk anyways.

  • first week people sort of agreed that cannons raised towards the sky meant you didn't care to engage in PvP.

    Use too. Along with White Flag, Alliance Flag, Blue/Green Lights, Players who actually use a Mic....

    But now, Players have others muted, Raised cannons means your free to be sunk, any flag is just a flag, Alliance flag is just you wanting to be betrayed, Lights on means your a newb.

  • White Flairs work for me very consistently. They'll either send up a white flair in response, then they come over and we talk/alliance. Or they just turn straight in to talk. Sometimes they just sail away or open fire. But I've found the white flair is great to show people you are friendly.

  • There is not anything a person can do to convince me that they're peaceful. But I'll still let people approach to see what they want unless I need to go somewhere else.

    I find that people running away from me is a good indicator that they don't want to fight though. But that doesn't mean they're peaceful. They might show up later if I'm sitting still.

    Basically anything you could do to communicate that you're friendly, another player could do with bad intentions. So nobody will believe you.

    Honestly, I will sneak up on people and try to be friendly but they just scuttle. A lot of folks out here have PTSD or something.

    @burnbacon said in Are there still signs of peace between pirates?:

    Lights on means your a newb.

    I resent this. I love my soul-flame lanterns.

  • Avoid everyone at all costs. I have not been playing a very long time but that is the best thing I could offer for advice. Very rarely have I run across people that will just let you be. Ineinevitably if you complain about it or try to engage them in chat you'll just be told that it's a pirate game and to get good. As an aged player with horrible reflexes and eyesight and no care to PVP that would be my advice to you. Also sell in small batches, people are viscous in open seas. Good luck.

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