Chest of Ancient Tributes Reward

  • Hello,

    I need some help with the Chest of Ancient Tributes please. I sold 3 in the last three days, twice als Gold Hoarders Emissary Level 4 and once as Reaper's Bones Emissary Level 5. I sold the chests at reapers hideout when under Reaper flag and to the Gold Horder when under Gold Horder flag. Everytime the payout reward is around 3000 gold but it should be more.

    Do I need a key to open the chests or am I doing something else wrong? I could not find anything about this online.

  • 7
  • @kingst0ke Ahoy matey!

    You need to get to at least Grade 3 on your Gold Hoarder or Reapers Emissary flag for the value to go beyond the base value....

    Was that the case?

    More info on levels here:

  • @kingst0ke

    The base payout stays the same there will be a value in parentheses that shows the additional value gained.

    Those two numbers together is the actual earned gold

  • @musicmee

    I was Level 4 on Gold Horder when selling to Gold Horder and Level 5 on Reaper when selling to Reaper. Payout was always around 3000, which is the amout I should get when not having any Emissary Level.

    I checked the website you mentioned before and watched a couple youtube videos, it seems to work for other players.

    The first time I thought, maybe it wont work if I steal the chest from others, but its the same if I start my own quest and get the chest from the vault.

  • @callmebackdraft

    So either this chart is wrong, or I am reading it wrong
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  • @kingst0ke lets say you sell an item worth 2000 (a gem) when you sell it with a grade v emmisary you will see this in the top right: 2000 (2000)

    The total amount of gold you received at that point is 4000

    If you sell the same gem at grade V you will see: 2000 (3000)

    In which the total amount you receive at that point is 5000

    The number at the beginning is the regular sell price the number within the parentheses is the emmisary bonus you receive so number 1 + (number 2) = total gold received

  • I sold one yesterday to Reaper as a grade 5 and I got 3066 as the base value plus the grade 5 bonus as usual. So it worked for me as usual yesterday. As the person above said, you get the base plus any bonus, and they total together in gold.

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