Larina's letter of recommendation not restocking?

  • My friend had 2 levels left until PL and was counting on a restock to finish his merchant levels. I think it restocks every month, does it not? For some reason mine nor his levels have restocked yet. Is there something I'm forgetting? Is this a bug or is it not time yet, etc?

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  • I believe they restock at the start of every season.

  • @riftenwatcher Ah, I thought it was every month. Thanks!

  • @riftenwatcher Wait, the wiki says that it's every month. Huh?

  • @riptide3683 I think it used to be that way, but changed when seasons were introduced.

  • @riftenwatcher i think it's still once a month, but it's not the first of the month, but just literaly a full month after you used your last one?

  • @super87ghost Hmm. Now I'm even more confused.

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