Order of Souls Reputation Acquiring

  • So, earlier today I did 2 fortresses and I also solo slooped a skeleton sloop, which is my first time soloing any ship on any kind of other ship, yay!, and I had up Order of Souls emissary, all in hopes of making a big dent in the gap I had between me and Order of Souls reputation level 50, as I want the sails that comes with it, but after doing 1 one of the fortresses, almost got attacked by a sloop on my way to the second fortress, but managed to make them stop by telling a little pirate lie, and as I was going to Dagger Tooth to cash in what I had, a skeleton sloop attacked me, and when it attacked me I kept switching between the ideas of sailing as fast as possible to the outpost and fighting it, which I did and I sunk it with a big volley of cannon balls, and you can bet I yoinked that loot. So, after I sold everything, I only went up like 1 level with Order of Souls, which made me mad. So I ask you, my fellow pirates, what is the quickest and more effective way that I can get a so many Order of Souls treasures so I can get the last 6 levels I need to get to level 50 with the Order of Souls (I'm currently level 44 with them)?

  • 7
  • Simple skele voyages are the most reliable way, but world events tend to provide a lot of skulls. If ashen winds pops up while leveling your flag, then prioritize that. The ashen winds skull is pretty good rep and gold.

  • @Devtryak My strat is simple: I like to call it Oos freelancing and it is super fun! Just go to 5 random islands, and see where the wind takes you! You might wind up doing a siren shine for a breath of the sea, or wind up invading a phantom fort! You could get attacked by a meg, kraken, or skelly ship! Who knows what you will discover? Ancient secrets? traps? Buried treasure?

  • @devtryak I think you get reputation increase for lowering emissary flag if it's over 2 stripes. If you can get to level 5 you can go back to the order of souls and get a free emissary quest. You can lower the flag and re raise it once you have the quest. Bounty voyages might give you higher rep rewards for each skull too I think (that's really a guess though)

  • @supalupii

    Thanks, but I've already reached Order of Souls levels 50, now I need Gold Hoarders and then Merchants

  • @devtryak Advice on the Merchants... you will be told about the trade system in the game and how it can help with emissary upgrading and gold. While this is one way, it is far more grindy and tenuous. I would recommend doing shipwrecks from the merchants and then do the level 5 quest from there. The sunken ships are one way I got leveled up pretty quick and are very easy to complete (pending no outside interference if you catch my drift). Anyway between that and hoarders and forts I wish you luck and athena be with you friend!

  • @retronukem13

    Thank you, and may Athena bless your voyages.

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