Whats your once in a lifetime SOT adventure

  • Whats happened to you in the game that was so unbelievable you think its once in a lifetime.

  • 4
  • With the amount of hours and encounters I have in the game there could be an 8 part miniseries on just the wild and bizarre things I've seen in this game.

    I've "accomplished" a lot of objectives in the game but to me it's always been about the randomness of adventure and the organic encounters with others. 30 seconds, 5 hours, months or years of keeping in touch from time to time, it's all treasure to me, one long once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

  • @snarledhawk2346 my crew was chasing another ship through the fog we lost them so we fired one of my crew up into the air to try and spot them we found them we got close enough where one of are crew could hear them and they where excited that they lost us right up to the point we came barreling out of the fog cannons blaring shredding their ship and sinking them

  • I bet they didn't see that one coming.

3 out of 4